


  • The chairman presided over the meeting with his usual tact and urbanity .

    主席以他惯有的 机智和文雅主持会议。

  • We must use tact in the negotiation so as not to provoke the other side .

    谈判时要讲究 策略,不要激怒对方。

  • He 's shown considerable delicacy and tact in feeling the public mood .

    他在体察民情方面表现 相当周到和 练达

  • My sense of tact forbids an honest answer .

    我的 老练阻止我做出诚实回答。

  • I saw you could perform it with capacity and tact .

    我看出,你可以从容而 老练 干这个工作。

  • He was an ambitious man understandably so but he lack tact .

    他是个雄心勃勃的人,这是可以理解的,但他缺乏 圆滑

  • Tact was never Mr Moore 's strength

    摩尔先生 处事 不够 圆通

  • Wang Ping : Well It can cultivate people 's bravery tact and col-lective consciousness .

    王平:对了,还可以培养人的勇敢、 机智、集体意识等。

  • Tact is a valuable commodity .

    圆滑 老练是很有用处的。

  • She praised their courtesy their passion for self-sacrifice their perfect tact .

    她称赞他们的谦恭有礼,欣赏他们勇于自我牺牲的情感,以及他们无懈可击的 机智

  • Does he possess the necessary patience and tact to do the job well ?

    他有做好这项工作必备的耐性和 应变 能力吗?

  • He had presence and had diplomatic tact .

    他风度翩翩,并具有外交家的 机智

  • With shrewd tact and womanly kindness Nadyezhda had won his complete trust .

    娜蒂契达以她的精明 机智和女性的好心肠赢得了他完全的信任。

  • Of course considerable tact is called for when this happens & don 't make them feel foolish .

    当然,当这种事情发生时需要 机智 应对&不要让他们觉得自己愚蠢。

  • The Libra 's best weapon is a correct strategy and tact .

    天秤最好的武器便是正确的战略和 机敏 态度

  • The matter had been handled with tact and finesse .

    这次事件已经靠 机智和手腕处理好了。

  • Because of his tact and energy Mr.B can accomplish difficult tasks with success .

    由于B先生为人 处事 乖巧和干劲,他能成功地完成困难任务。

  • Tact and skill in dealing with people .

    交际 手段与人来往的 技巧与技能。

  • Tact and skill in dealing with people . Good communication skills and inter-personal skill is a must .

    交际 手段与人来往的 技巧与技能良好的沟通技巧与人际关系处理能力。

  • We reposed great trust in his tact and discretion .

    我们极为信任他的 机智和谨慎。

  • With whatever tact and wisdom we can muster disabilities must be accepted with lightness and humor .

    我们要调动起所有的 机敏和智慧,以轻松和幽默的态度来接受残障。

  • Helping people who have marriage problems requires a great deal of tact and patience .

    帮助婚姻遇到问题的人要很有 技巧和耐心。

  • She handled the situation with great tact .

    她很 圆滑 处理了这件事。

  • Has the theory of the solar system been advanced by graceful manners and conversational tact ?

    太阳系的理论,是用优美文雅的态度和 娓娓动听 语言提出的吗?

  • Must be able to respond to inquiries and complaints with tact and diplomacy .


  • On this occasion the press have not been intrusive and they have shown great tact .

    媒体此次并没有过多纠缠,表现 十分 得体

  • He has no tact in dealing with people .

    他为人 ,不知 怎样与人交往。

  • As a kind of innovative action teaching tact is deeply influenced by teachers teaching habitus .

    教学 机智作为一种创新性行动,深受教师的教学惯习的影响。