table register

[ˈtebəl ˈrɛdʒɪstɚ][ˈteibl ˈredʒistə]

[计] 表寄存器

  • To achieve the greater utilization of resources the overall circuit can support initialization of the embedded memory writing it can achieve large-scale lookup table multiplier shift register and other complex functions .

    为了更大化利用RAM资源,整体电路支持对该嵌入式存储器初始化写入,这样就能实现大规模查找 、乘法器、移位 寄存器等复杂函数。

  • In addition specific lookup table and prefix register heap are constructed in SABFE to keep the state of the matched prefix for the sake of detecting long patterns .

    同时,利用快速查找 和前缀 寄存器堆保存当前子串的匹配状态来检测长的规则。

  • In the method toll time display of transverse first line in cross-tab was accomplished with embedding function of data window . A provisional data table with one register was designed to select dynamically year and to do data statistic of the year .

    该方法的关键,一是利用数据窗口的内嵌函数使交叉表横向表头只显示缴费时间,二是设计一个只有一个 记录的临时数据 实现动态地选择年份进行该年的数据统计。

  • The above command creates a table called tab1 and it will automatically register the node datablade .

    以上命令创建名为tab1的 表格,并且它会自动地 注册节点数据刀片。