

  • Objective : To survey the delimitation of zoogeographical regions on the Tabanidae fauna in Yichang Hubei province China .

    目的:调查宜昌地区 种类及其区系 成分

  • Studies on Trace Elements in Sub-genital Plate of Eight Common Species of Tabanidae

    几种常见 尾器亚生殖板微量元素的研究

  • The annual and the seasonal change of density and the vertical and level distribution of the Tabanidae in the Stipa grandis steppe is typical example in the typical steppe .

    茅草 幼虫的年际 密度变化、垂直与水平分布和年度的季节动态等在典型草原区具有代表性。

  • Two New Species of Tabanus from Hubei China ( Diptera : Tabanidae )


  • Genus Hybomitra and Tabanus take possession of 60 % in whole area tabanid flies . The Composition of Tabanidae Fauna from Southeast Jilin Province

    吉林省东南部Hybimitra属、Tabanus属较多,两属占全区虻类的约60%。吉林省东南部 区系构成

  • On a newly recorded genus and a new species of Tabanidae ( diptera ) from China

    我国 (双翅目)一新纪录属及一新种

  • The fauna of Tabanidae in Gansu were investigated by capturing with net trapping tent luring with person or livestock and device .

    采用网捕、畜诱、帐诱和诱 器诱捕法对甘肃省 区系作了调查研究,并对所 收藏标本进行 整理和前人 文献收集。

  • Report on Tabanidae collected in the North East regions in China

    东北地区 采集报告

  • Studies on Tabanidae and Structure Analysis of Geographic Strains in Ningxia

    宁夏 研究与区系结构分析

  • A new species and a new record of HAEMATOPOTA from China ( diptera : tabanidae )


  • Two new species of Tabanus from anhui China ( diptera : tabanidae ) some QUATERNARY MAMMALIAN FOSSILS FROM NORTHERN Anhwei

    安徽虻属二新种记述(双翅目: )安徽北部更新世哺乳动物化石新产地

  • Distribution of 68 species family Tabanidae known are noted from Jilin province .

    记述了吉林省已知 种的 市区分布。

  • The Investigation on the Medical Insects in Fujian Province V ( Diptera : Tabanidae )


  • The Composition of Tabanidae Fauna from Southeast Jilin Province

    吉林省东南部 区系构成

  • Five new species of Tabanus from guizhou china ( diptera : tabanidae )


  • The subtile structure of female terminalia 's subgenital plates of Tabanidae species has peculiar character for distinguishing species .


  • The Harm and Control of The Tabanidae of Gansu Province China

    甘肃 昆虫危害与防治

  • Results 39 species of 5 genera of family Tabanidae have been recorded from 4 cities and counties of frontiers between Korea and Jilin province in China .

    结果在吉林省中朝边境地区的 珲春图门安图敦化4市(县) 吸血 5属39种, 依次分布为31、27、24和28种。

  • Study on the fauna of Tabanidae in Gansu

    甘肃省 昆虫区系研究