


  • To clarify the relation between the pollen percentage of Larix and its stand density surface samples from tundra forest tundra and taiga in the Far East Russia were analyzed .

    为了搞清楚落叶松花粉百分比和实际森林密度的关系,我们系统地分析了从苔原、森林苔原以及 泰加林的表土样品。

  • Pinus sibirica is a well-known forest species of Eurasian boreal coniferous forest ( taiga ) which is excellent both for fruit and material and relative to Pinus koraiensis .

    西伯利亚红松(Pinussibirica)是欧亚大陆寒温带针叶林( 泰加林)的著名成林树种,与红松(P.koraiensis) ,为材果 兼优 乔木

  • Natural fire disturbance is the most significant natural disturbance occurred in the Taiga which has far-reaching implications on biological individual growth and development in its forest communities .

    自然火干扰是发生在 泰加林中最主要的自然干扰,对其森林群落的生物个体生长发育有着深远的影响。

  • In Hokkaido grassland and taiga were mainly consisted of Larix Pinus and Picea . Climate was colder and drier than that around 30 ka .

    在北海道 的草原和泰 加林主要由落叶松、松以及云杉组成,气候更加干冷。

  • Summer travel in the boggy lands or muskeg country of the Subarctic 's taiga was also slow and arduous .

    夏天,在亚 极地 叶林 地带的沼泽遍布的原野或乡村,出行亦将变得缓慢而艰难。

  • Li Cheng is the traditional landscape painting Li Cheng style of taiga and bleak beauty in the traditional landscape painting in terms of high attainments .

    李成是中国山水画的 大家李成 画作 透出 与萧瑟之美在传统山水画方面的 享誉极高。

  • Roughly the size of India it 's capped by a thick layer of permafrost and swathed in dense taiga forest .

    广的印度覆盖稀薄的冻土和宽带状浓密的 叶林

  • During the LGM bog and taiga were mainly composed of Larix and Pinus in Sakhalin which could be correlated to the present northeast Siberian taiga .

    萨哈林岛在末次冰盛期的 草原 和泰 加林主要山落叶松和松组成,和现在西伯利亚东北部的泰加林相似。

  • The taiga forest is in Finland on the Russian border and is a marvelous spot for viewing these bears .

    芬兰的 北方 针叶 分布在俄罗斯边境 地带,是观赏这些熊的绝佳 之处