


  • He had to be reliable taciturn – and available for a few hundred yuan .

    他必须可靠、 沉默寡言另外价钱要在几百元左右。

  • Cameron seemed unusually downcast and taciturn .

    卡梅伦似乎特别沮丧, 沉默寡言

  • During the early morning ride from the suburb we sat drowsily with our collars up to our ears a cheerless and taciturn bunch .

    一大清早我们就从郊区开始坐车,我们把衣领高竖到耳朵上,懒 洋洋的坐在那,一群沉闷的, 没有 言语

  • I am taciturn because of being tacit .

    谢谢 身边 关心我的人。

  • Even so the first two days we arrived in Egypt and before boarding the ship I had remained as taciturn as a wall .

    即便如此,在到埃及最初的两天、还没登上游艇的 时候,我总是 木讷 像堵墙 一般

  • Mother habitually cautioned me not to talk so much wanting me to be a taciturn smooth and steady youngster .

    我母亲经常提醒我少说话,她希望我能做一个 沉默寡言、安稳 大方的孩子。

  • He was described as reserved and taciturn .

    他被描绘为 沉默寡言

  • He was taciturn and unsociable and rarely spoke to you .

    他总是 不声不响,冷冰冰的,难得跟你交谈。

  • Self-confident and taciturn he exuded authority .

    他很自信, 沉默寡言,显得 实权人物。

  • Old and young talkative and taciturn rich planter and sallow cracker they all had two things in common lice and dysentery .

    年老和年轻的,健谈的和 沉默的,富农和 森林 地带憔悴的穷白人,他们都有两种共同的东西,既虱子和痢疾。

  • Young Jefferson Hope rode on with his companions gloomy and taciturn .

    小杰弗逊·侯波和他的伙伴们骑着马 继续 前进

  • After opposing to the malady a taciturn resistance for a day or two he was obliged to keep in his chamber .

    他同疾病 不声不响 对抗了一两天后,不得不待在屋里, 不能 出来

  • They could not every day sit so grim and taciturn ;

    他们不能每天都这么阴沉 缄默 坐着吧。

  • Taciturn miller Night falls on you face downward far from the city .


  • He was a reserved taciturn person when I first knew him .

    我刚认识他时,他是个矜持而 沉默的人。

  • At the council broad he was taciturn and never opened his lips .

    那天在委员会开会的时候他 沉默寡言

  • At the Council board he was taciturn ; and in the House of Lords he never opened his lips ( Macaulay ) .

    “在众议院他 沉默寡言;在参议院中他从不开口”:(麦考莱)。

  • A taciturn man in a black SUV started buying up tracts of arid agricultural land around this small town in the western Indian state of Rajasthan in 2009 .

    2009年,一名坐在黑色运动型多用途车(简称SUV)内的 沉默男子开始在印度西部拉贾斯坦邦的小镇戈拉耶德(Kolayat)周边购买大片干旱贫瘠的农用土地。

  • The ant is the most industrious animal however it is the most taciturn one .

    没有 任何动物 蚂蚁更勤奋,然而却最 沉默寡言

  • The interviewer was of the serious taciturn type but I could tell the answer registered .

    面试官是 那种 不苟言笑的类型,不过我敢说我的回答

  • But these men were a taciturn lot picking their words carefully .

    但是这些人都是 沉默寡言 说起字斟句酌,非常谨慎。

  • A taciturn man he replied to my questions in monosyllables .


  • He reverted to his old taciturn ways .

    他又恢复了他的 静默 寡言

  • Any part are important to them as you can give others the impression of taciturn but you can never make others think you are lazy .

    你可以给人留下 沉默寡言的形象,但是绝对不可以让别人感觉到你很懒惰!

  • He is the general name of the soldier strong and stocky taciturn .

    他是名普通的士兵,黑壮敦实, 沉默寡言

  • Since the fox is a taciturn competitor we cannot directly ask it for forecasting tips .

    因为狐狸不 怎么 说话,我们不能直接问它预测的 诀窍

  • Normally taciturn with her he felt like saying all sorts of things .

    他的 不大 说话了她,他愿意 随便的说;

  • He was quiet almost taciturn young man .

    他是 沉默寡言,几乎 说话的年轻人。