


  • Conclusion The histopathology is of great significance in the diagnosis of primary syphilis condyloma datum and papulosquamous syphilide but of limitid value for macular syphilide .

    结论病理检查对 下疳、 扁平湿疣、鳞屑性丘疹 皮疹诊断有一定意义,而 斑疹呈非特异性炎症改变。

  • For secondary syphilis macular syphilide and maculopapular syphilide were easily misdiagnosed as pityriasis rosea or dermatitis . A 6-year-old boy had papules and maculopapular eruption with scattered nodule and keloid-like lesions on the face trunk and extremities .

    二期梅毒 斑疹及斑丘疹易误诊为玫瑰糠疹、过敏性皮炎等;患儿男,6岁。