system of couples


  • Dual evaluation system of landslide stability which couples safety factor and reliability was introduced in this paper .

    对利用随机分析方法建立安全系数与可靠性相 耦合 滑坡稳定性二元评价 体系进行了探索。

  • The fidelities of quantum states in the system of an atom couples to two distinct optical cavities with phase decoherence are studied .

    研究了在相位阻尼作用下一个 能级原子与两个不同光场相互作用的 系统中的量子态的保真度。

  • The paper discusses a new type of superheated steam control system the state observation and control ( SOC ) system developed on the principles of cybernetics utilizing a general purpose microprocessor-based controller . A SOC-PID control scheme is proposed which couples SOC with PID .

    本文论述了应用现代控制理论的新型过热汽温控制系统&状态变量观测与控制(SOC) 系统,及其通用微机调节器实现问题提出了SOC与PID控制结合的 SOC-PID控制方案。

  • The marital property system is an institution which constituted by the ownership use management revenues and disposal of married or premarital couples ' properties .

    夫妻财产 是有关 夫妻婚前或婚后所得财产归属、使用、管理、收益和处分的法律制度。

  • Finally by analyzing the thinking aroused by the case toward and the shortcomings of the system of common debts of couples this paper puts forward a sound proposal to jointly look forward to the maturing of the system of the common debt of couples .

    最后,通过分析本案引发对我国 夫妻共同债务 制度的思考,分析其不足之处,进而提出完善的建议,以期待我国夫妻共同债务制度日趋完善。

  • The company 's secret weapon was a computer algorithm – the patented Compatibility Matching System – that Dr Warren and his researchers developed based on a study of 5 married couples .

    这家公司的秘密武器是一款电脑运算软件&享有专利权的合适度匹配 系统(CompatibilityMatching System),这是沃伦博士和他的研究员在研究了5000对已婚 夫妇 资料的基础上开发的。

  • Based on the theories of formation percolation and multiphase transient flow a system of dynamic models which couples the multiphase flow in wellbore with the formation percolation is developed .

    以油气层渗流及多相流理论为基础,将地层渗流与井筒复杂多以动 结合考虑,建立了一 动态理论模型,并采用数值 方法和技术进行了求解和计算分析。