system of legal rules

[法] 法律规则体系

  • Firstly it is necessary to improve the legal system of state-owned assets supervision to improve the level of the legal system from the constitutional level the legal level the rules and regulations of state-owned assets supervision .

    首先要健全国有资产监管法律 体系,从宪法层面、法律层面、 法规和规章层面完善国有资产监管的 法律体系。

  • Now 54 national high-tech zones are attached to Ministry of Science and there are only industrial parks abroad . The current management system of the domestic high-tech zones is of variety and there is no clear legal rules and policies defined .

    由于国内隶属于科技部的54家高新区,国外也局限于工业园区,目前国内高新区的管理 体制各式各样,没有明确的 法律 规定和政策界定。

  • In value-instructing theoretic mode judicial officer views the law as a system composed of understandable rules but the meaning of the legal rules is controlled by them through the value attributed to the rules .

    在价值导向理论模式中,司法人员把法律看作是一种可以理解的规则所组成的 体系,但 法律 规则的意义由司法人员通过那些归属于规则的价值加以控制。

  • Based on organizational system private placement and the investor of venture capital fund in China it summarizes relevant legal rules .

    这一章分别从我国风险投资基金的组织 制度、私募、投资主体三个角度出发,对相关 法律 规则进行了综述。

  • A whole witness legal system should consist of the rules on the witness qualification the procedural rules on the fulfilling the witness 's legal obligation the protecting rules to ensure such fulfilling .

    一个完整的证人作证制度 体系,应该包括关于证人资格的规范, 关于证人履行义务的整个程序规范,关于保障证人履行 作证义务的保障性 规范

  • At present intellectual property rating system in China is not perfect and the system still has some problems . Aiming at the objects of assessment and legal rules this paper makes an analysis and puts forward the corresponding problems .

    目前中国的知识产权评估体质尚未完善, 体制存在一定的问题,本文对评估的客体对象及 法律 规定作出了分析,提出了相应问题。

  • Since civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings system emerged various disputes around it have never been interrupted in wake of various theories and doctrines which are reflected in legal rules around the country in succession .

    从刑事附带民事诉讼 制度产生之日起,围绕刑事附带民事诉讼 制度的各种争论也从未间断,由此产生了各种理论和学说,相继反映在各国的 法律 规定当中。

  • The second part of it discusses the present condition and existing problems of the system in our country and then analyzes the reasons causing the problems which is mainly from the idea of legislation legal rules and the enforcement characteristics of the investigating organization .

    第二部分阐明了我国刑事搜查 制度的现状及存在问题,进而分析了出现这些问题的原因,主要从立法观念、 法律 规则、侦查机关的执法特性等方面做了分析和阐述。

  • Thirdly I propose the law system design of how to regulate trade association limit competition behavior . I suggest that our country use the dual legal rules and regulations pattern to restrict trade association limit competition behavior including Anti-trust law and trade Association Law .

    第三,对我国行业协会限制竞争行为 法律 规制 制度设计。

  • Firstly the life insurance system includes rules of life insurance transaction and legal norms of these transaction rules .

    因此,寿险 制度首先包括寿险契约交易中的规则及对这些 规则 法律规范。

  • Part Two analyzes the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Law Security Law Legal System of Pledged Intellectual Property Rights Credit Legal System and local policy rules related to financing issues of the small and medium-sized enterprises .

    文章第二部分分析了我国与科技型中小企业融资有关的《中小企业法》、《担保法》、知识产权质押法律 制度、征信 法律制度以及地方的政策性 规定

  • In civil law countries mostly adhere to the statutory capital system . Scope for funding as well as in the form of strict legal rules .

    大陆法系国家,由于大多奉行法定资本 ,所以对于出资的形式以及范围有严格的 法律 规定,但立法态度也不尽相同。

  • We to the mental patient monitoring system of the purpose of the study is to protect the legal rights of the mental patient make the mental patient life normalization maintain the normal social order and also for the law applies to provide detailed rules of law .

    我们对精神病人监护 制度研究的目的在于保护精神病人的 合法权益,使精神病人的生活正常化,维护正常的社会秩序,同时为法律适用提供详尽的法律 规则

  • A fair competition system is the prerequisite for the China telecommunication market to open to the foreign capital investment and the establishment of a competition system cannot go without legal rules .

    建立公平的竞争 机制是中国电信业对外开放的基本前提,竞争机制的建立离不开竞争 法制

  • Besides although the pledge of accounts receivable system opposed to the right of accounts receivable pledge can learn from the chattel mortgage and other provisions of the pledge of rights its particularity determines the difference on legal rules .

    另外与应收账款质权相对应的应收账款质押 制度虽然可以借鉴动产质押和其他权利质押的规定,但其特殊性又决定了在 法律 规则上会有所不同。

  • In the financial system the system of legal property and agreed property are combined in both places but there are differences in the stress of the legislative structure and concrete rules .

    在夫妻财产制方面,两地都采用 法定财产制和约定财产制相结合的 制度,但在立法结构的重心及具体 规定上有差异。

  • Trying to put forward to a possible proposal to sound the legal system of weak foreign banks delisting establish the market withdrawal legal system of weak foreign banks to comply with WTO rules .

    试图提出完善问题外资银行退市法律 制度的可行建议,建立一个符合WTO 规则的外资银行退市 法律制度。

  • Rule of corroboration is an important rule in system of evidence According to legal action the rules of criminal evidence can be divided into three parts that were the rule of quote the rule of cross-examination and the rule of judge .

    证据补强规则是证据 制度中的一项重要规则。按照 诉讼的进程,刑事证据 规则可以分为举证规则、质证规则和认证规则三块。

  • However Hart still can not use the logical structure of the system of legal rules to certify the issue of authority and therefore he had to find the rule of recognition which had sides the law and the facts .

    然而,在权威性的证成问题上,哈特仍然无法用 法律 规则 体系本身的逻辑结构来说明,不得不指向一个具有法律和事实两面的承认规则。

  • Our country is facing a period of perfection and innovation of financial legal system so it is of great significance to comment on relevant legal rules for problematic financial institutions justly and objectively .

    我国现在正处于一个金融法律 制度的整合及与国际对接时期,所以对我国相关有问题金融机构的 法律 制度进行一个公正与客观的梳理具有非常深远的意义。

  • Country has constructed the tight system of security supervision just through above-mentioned methods with administrative and legal measures and trade regular rules .

    国家正是通过上述方法,用 立法的、行政的、行业 规则的方式构筑了证券监管的严密 体系

  • The main reasons for the loss lie in imperfection of supervisory system of national assets lack of legal rules in property assessment and control of state-owned share circulation in the stock market .

    流失的主要原因是没有健全国有资产监管 体制,资产评估不 依法 规范进行以及国有股不能上市流通。