


  • Flame Retardancy of Nano-SiO_2 and RDP Flame Retarded PC / ABS and Their Synergism

    纳米SiO2与RDP 协同阻燃PC/ABS的研究

  • Conclusion combination therapy with TNF a gene and5fu has synergism to inhibit pancreatic cancer cell proliferation which can decrease the dose of5fu and has potential value to clinical treatment of pancreatic cancer .

    结论tnfα基因与5fu联合应用对胰腺癌增殖的抑制有 协同 作用,并可减少5fu的药量,对胰腺癌的综合治疗有潜在的临床应用价值。

  • Numerical investigation on mechansim of heat transfer enhancement with fields synergism theory for dimpled surface ;

    对一种拟流线型场 协同式翅片周期性强化换热通道进行了数值模拟研究。

  • Synergism of Amlodipine and Candesartan on Lowering Stabilizing Blood Pressure and Organ Protection

    氨氯地平与坎地沙坦 协同降低血压、血压波动性及器官保护 作用

  • Effect of Inorganic Salts on Properties of Cationic Gemini Surfactants and Research on Synergism of Gemini Surfactants

    无机盐对Gemini表面活性剂性质的影响及其 协同 效应研究

  • A Study on the Synergism of Liquid Fluorescent Whitening Agents and Its Using in Papermaking

    造纸用液体荧光增白剂的 合成及应用研究

  • The synergism between high malnutrition and increased incidence of communicable diseases explains much of excess mortality seen in refugee and displaced persons .

    营养不良的 高发和传染病发生率继续的增加解释了难民和移民的高死亡率的原因。

  • Inhibitory Effect of N-acetylcysteine on Biofilms of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Its Synergism with Ciprofloxacin

    N-乙酰半胱氨酸对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的抑制及与环丙沙星的 协同 作用

  • The evaluation index system of university campus environment was established based on two theories the synergism of five laws and the sustainable development .

    摘要基于 五律 协同与可持续发展理论,从 自然、环境、技术、社会、经济五方面出发构建大学校园环境评价指标体系。

  • Objective To explore the molecular mechanism and synergism of Ezhu oil with IFN in inhibiting cervical cancer .

    近年来有关中药莪术的研究得出,莪术中主要含有 莪术油、姜黄素及多糖类 成分

  • Synergism and Attenuation Effects of Taurine on Tumor Bearing Mice Treated with Chemotherapy

    牛磺酸对化疗荷瘤小鼠 增效减毒作用的研究

  • This synergism significantly strengthens the protection pro-vided by individual antioxidants alone .

    协同 作用显著的加强单个抗氧化剂提供的保护上海翻译公司。

  • The discovery of synergism in virus-resistant transgenic plants severely constrains the of transgenic plants .

    抗病毒转基因植物 中协作用的出现,严重限制了基因工程植物的商品化生产。

  • Synergism and Mechanisms of Extracts from Several Plants to Chlorpyrifos

    几种植物源提取物对毒死蜱的 增效 作用及机理

  • Synergism of six cationic adjuvants to avermectin .

    六种阳离子助剂对阿维菌素的 增效 作用

  • Inhibition of monoamine oxidase as the cause of synergism of Chlordimeform on deltamethrin

    单胺氧化酶的抑制作为杀虫脒对澳氰菊酯的 增效 作用

  • The results indicated that starch degradation was the result of synergism of amylase and starch phosphorylase .

    结果表明:淀粉的降解是淀粉酶和淀粉 磷酸化酶综合 作用的结果。

  • Meanwhile according to the pour point depressant synergism 's principle we compounded EVA with polymer surface active agent .

    作用的原理,对其与高分子表面活性剂进行了 复配实验。

  • Preparation of synergism conditioning filler for compound fertilizers with phosphogypsum processing medical stone

    用磷石膏处理麦饭石配制复混肥 增效调理填充料

  • Under the synergism of GAC adsorption and microorganism degradation bromate could be controlled stably and effectively without increasing operation cost .

    在活性炭(GAC)吸附以及微生物降解 协同 作用下,可以在不增加运行成本的基础上稳定、有效地控制溴酸盐。

  • Synergism between the active components and the support is observed .

    催化剂活性组分间及 它们与载体间存在着 协同 效应

  • New Interpretation of the Synergism Between Psychological Inspiration and Intuition

    灵感和直觉心理现象的 协同论阐释

  • The effect of ECPC on the growth of various cells and in vivo synergism of its antitumor effect

    毛叶茶提取物对不同细胞生长的影响及体内 协同抗瘤作用

  • An exploration of phosphorus nitrogen synergism in cotton flame retardant textiles

    纯棉阻燃织物中磷&氮 协同 效应初探

  • Consideration of synergism of elements with human aesthetic psychology in design

    关于设计中元素与人的审美心理 协同的思考

  • The synergism of zeolite in selfmade intumescent flame retardant ( IFR ) was studied .

    考察了分子筛在自制膨胀型阻燃体系(IFR)中的 效催化 作用

  • Cellulase activity and synergism of mixed cellulases . Cellulase and lipase specific activities all showed relatively low values .

    纤维素酶活力及混合纤维素酶 协同 作用的研究纤维素酶和脂肪酶的比活力则均较低。

  • These inhibitors produced a synergism with cypermethrin but had no synergism with bifenthrin .

    两种抑制剂对氯氰菊酯均产生 增效 作用,但对联苯菊酯没有增效作用。

  • The widespread synergism of plant virus is one of main factors leading to crop loss .

    英文摘要 植物病毒 作用分布广,是造成农作物减产的重要原因之一。

  • Synergism of insecticides by enzyme inhibitors in the resistant populations of Spodoptera litura ( Lepidoptera : Noctuidae ) Study on the effect of simvastatin on the population dynamics of Blattella germanica in the laboratory

    斜纹夜蛾抗性种群中酶抑制剂对杀虫剂的 增效 作用(英文)辛伐他汀抑制德国小蠊实验室种群发展的实验研究