tail away

[tel əˈwe][teil əˈwei]


  • Then you must be a fool then tuna said . And with a disdainful flick of his tail he swam away .

    那你肯定是个傻瓜,金枪鱼说。然后他轻蔑甩了一下 尾巴 游走

  • Keep your tail away from stoves candles lit cigarettes garbage disposals automatic dishwasher doors children rocking chairs and dogs .

    确保你的 尾巴 远离火炉、蜡烛、燃烧的香烟、垃圾处理器、自动洗碗机的门、小孩、摇椅和狗。

  • Sol and Mars peregrine or the Dragon 's Tail in the Second signifies that the Native shall squander away his substance or Estate foolishly .

    太阳与火星孤立而失势,或 龙尾落于第二宫,代表盘主易耗财或 挥霍家产。

  • Another drop falls on its tail . The horse flicked the flies away with his tail .

    马上又有一滴水落在它的 尾巴上。那匹马用尾巴拂去身上的 苍蝇

  • Large pieces of the tail section and scrape marks were visible near the sea wall and both left and right portions of the landing gear were found hundreds of yards away from the main wreckage .

    防波堤附近可以看到 机尾的大块残骸和刮痕,左右两侧起落架在 距离飞机主体数百米的地方被找到。

  • Pulling the Lion 's tail and getting away with it proved wildly popular .

    拉狮子的 尾巴,并且 侥幸成功了,结果就是 广受欢迎。

  • His voice tailed away in the bitter cold air

    他的声音在刺骨的 寒风中越来越微弱

  • Rev . 12:4 And his tail drags away the third part of the stars of heaven and he cast them to the earth .

    启十二4它的 尾巴 拖拉著天上星辰的三分之一,摔在地上;

  • You can watch them lying in the pools under the willow trees waving their tails . ' Then you must be a fool then tuna said . And with a disdainful flick of his tail he swam away .

    就在柳树下边水潭里面游啊游,还甩尾巴哩那你肯定是个傻瓜,金枪鱼说。然后他轻蔑甩了一下 尾巴 游走

  • But the arrow did the bird no harm ; only it dropped a golden feather from its tail and then flew away .

    但是箭并没有对小鸟有任何伤害;它仅仅是从 尾部掉下了一根金色的羽毛,紧接着它就 飞走

  • Tail risk is technically defined as a higher-than-expected risk of an investment moving more than three standard deviations away from the mean .

    尾部风险的学术定义是一项投资远高于预期的、价值 偏离平均值达到三个标准差以上的风险。

  • Expected Shortfall ( ES ) is a new tool for credit risk measure and optimization . As the risk measure tool ES represents the tail information of loss and is favorable to keep away the extreme finance risk with very little probability .

    期望短缺是一种新的风险量度和优化工具,它能够反映损失分布的 尾部信息,从而有利于 防范小概率极端金融风险;

  • The change of the groundwater level which is near the dam site and the terraces on both sides is more obvious than that near the reservoir tail and the area far away from the reservoir .

    靠近坝址处的地下水水位及两岸阶地的地下水水位变化较明显,库 远离水库的地下水水位变化不明显。

  • The folds of its gigantic tail could be seen far away rising at intervals from the surface .

    老远就能看见它巨大的 尾巴上的皱槽,不时升出水面。

  • And with a disdainful flick of his tail he swam away .

    然后他轻蔑甩了一下 尾巴 游走

  • Tail him closely and don 't let him get away .
