synthetic drug

[sɪnˈθɛtɪk drʌɡ][sinˈθetik drʌɡ]

[化] 合成药物

  • A new synthetic method of nedaplatin-a platinum-based antitumor drug

    铂类抗肿瘤 药物奈达铂的新 合成方法

  • The synthetic process of animal drug carprofen are summarized .

    介绍了动物抗炎 卡洛芬的 合成工艺。

  • Additionaly synthetic phospholipids can be used for such advanced drug delivery technologies as fat emulsion microemulsion and so on .

    另外, 合成磷脂也可用于脂肪乳、微乳等先进 药技术。

  • Objective : To optimize the chiral synthetic route of novel anti influenza drug oseltamivir .

    目的:优化抗流感病毒 新药oseltamivir的手性 合成路线。

  • The synthetic technology and structural identification of anti-colitis drug mesalazine were reported .

    报告了抗溃疡性结肠炎 美沙拉嗪的 合成工艺及结构鉴定。

  • In this study we tried to find collagenase-inhibitors in synthetic compounds and natural products by 2 drug screening models .

    本论文利用两种Ⅳ型 胶原酶 抑制剂筛选模型寻找活性天然产物及化合物。

  • N N-dimethyl-2-mercapto-nicotinic amide is an important synthetic intermediate for drug and pesticide .

    N,N-二甲基-2-巯基 烟酰胺是重要的 医药和农药中间体。

  • Developing an efficient synthetic route to natural product compounds and their analogs is often an essential step in drug development .

    发展一种自然产物复合物以及类似物的有效 合成途径在 药物研制过程中经常是必需的步骤。

  • But the continued development of other methods for producing artemisinin for example from yeast culture or synthetic means ( see New malaria drug technologies unveiled ) is vital said Bathurst .

    Bathurst说,但是其他制造青蒿素的方法的持续发展例如,用酵母培养或 人工 合成方法(见科学家公布新抗疟 技术)是至关重要的。

  • In August 2005 a synthetic biology meeting discussed the potential implication on drug development cell re-programming and biology robots .

    2005年8月在美国旧金山举行的 合成生物学会议,讨论了生物合成这个领域对 药物发展、细胞重编程、生物机器人等方面的潜在意义。

  • In recent half century great impetus has been made by QSAR to the development of synthetic chemistry pharmaceutical chemistry and drug design it is proved to be a powerful tool for correlating molecular structure with their physical / chemical property or biological activity .

    近半个世纪以来,QSAR研究对 有机 合成化学、药物化学及 药物设计的发展起了巨大的推动作用,已经成为研究物质理化性质与生物活性以寻求分子解释的一个强有力工具。

  • Now it has a broad space for development and a good prospect in many areas such as the food and drug analysis synthetic drug screening medical testing environmental monitoring and so on .

    如今其在食品和药物分析、 药物 合成筛选、医学检验、环境监测等领域具有广泛的发展空间和良好的应用前景。

  • The synthetic amino acid and glycosyl modified CDs can be used as targetable drug carriers .

    合成的氨基酸、糖基修饰的环糊精衍生物可作为靶向 药物载体。

  • Conclusion It proved that synthetic Are combination with snail-killing drug Nic might decrease Nic dosage and toxicity and increase the effects of snail-killing .

    结论证明了 槟榔碱与氯硝柳胺联合灭钉螺,确实具有降低灭钉螺 的剂量、减少化学 药物对水生物毒性、增强灭钉螺效果的作用。

  • Furan is a kind of important intermediates widely applied in many important organic synthetic materical like pyrrole THF thiophene and drug synthesis .

    呋喃是一种重要中间体,广泛应用于许多重要有机 合成如吡咯、噻吩、四氢呋喃及 药物合成。

  • This Ph. D thesis is focused on the injectable physically-crosslinked hydrogels based on synthetic polymer and their underlying applications in drug delivery systems .

    本博士论文工作针对应用于 药物缓释载体的 合成高分子的可注射性物理水凝胶而展开。

  • A potent synthetic narcotic drug C21H27NO that is less addictive than morphine or heroin and is used as a substitute for these drugs in addiction treatment programs .

    一种有效的 合成 麻醉药,C21H27NO不象吗啡或海洛因那样容易让人上瘾,在戒毒治疗中被用作这些毒药的替代品。

  • Like synthetic drugs herbal preparations also have potential to cause drug interactions . Some of these drugs can inhibit or induce liver cytochrome P450 activity . Thereby influence drug metabolism and maybe cause drug adverse action and drug interactions .

    一些中草药可能诱导或抑制肝脏细胞色素P450( CYP药物代谢酶,从而引起自身及其他合用药物代谢的改变,可能导致药物不良反应和药物相互作用。

  • The X-ray crystal structure of a protein target can identify the functional pockets of the protein and when complexed with a natural or synthetic ligand can serve as a useful starting point for rational drug design .

    蛋白靶子的X射线结晶体结构可以识别蛋白质的功能袋。当与自然或 人工配体混合时,可以作为 药物设计的有用起始点。

  • Sulfonamides ( SAs ) are synthetic bacteriostatic drug which were widely used in stock raising industry for their characteristics of stability easy to preserve and low adverse reaction .

    磺胺类药物(SAs)是畜牧业生产上广泛应用的一类 化学 合成抗菌 ,其具有性质稳定,易于保存以及副作用低等优点。

  • A synthetic narcotic drug similar to morphine but less habit-forming ; used in treating heroin addiction .

    类似于吗啡但是很少惯性的 合成 麻醉剂;用来治疗海洛因上瘾。

  • OBJECTIVE To study the synthetic technology of the important intermediate of antifungal drug ketoconazole 1-acetyl-4 - ~ ( 4 - hydroxyphenyl ) piperazine .

    目的对抗真菌 酮康唑的重要中间体1-乙酰基-4-(4-羟基苯基)哌嗪的 合成工艺进行研究。

  • Norfloxacin is a kind of synthetic antibacterial drug .

    氟哌酸是一种 人工 合成的新型抗菌

  • All of above chemical synthetic drug are effective and have some side effect or addiction to some extent some of which even aggravate the depressive state of patients .

    这些化工 合成 药物均有一定的疗效,但也均有不同程度的副作用和依赖性,有的甚至反而加重病人抑郁状态。

  • The Actions of B_ ( 7601 ) & A New Synthetic Anticholinergic Drug on Cardiovascular System and its Antiarrhythmic Effect

    新抗胆碱类 药物&B( 7601)对心血管系统及抗心律失常作用的研究

  • Study on the Synthetic Method of Spin Labelling Anticancer Drug GP 7

    自旋标记抗癌 药物&GP-7 合成方法的研究

  • New synthetic method of the antiulcer drug irsogladine maleate

    抗溃疡 马来酸 伊索拉定的 合成新方法

  • The Research on Synthetic Methods of Anti-AIDS Drug Stavudine

    抗艾滋病 药物司他呋啶 合成方法的研究