synthesis gas

[ˈsɪnθɪsɪs ɡæs][ˈsinθisis ɡæs]


  • Pilot scale study on direct synthesis of dimethyl-ether from biomass synthesis gas Experimental Study on Syngas Production From Biomass Gasification in Interconnected Fluidized Beds

    串行流化床生物质气化制取 合成 试验研究

  • Important research and development advances are being made on the chemistry and catalysis of synthesis gas reactions for the manufacture of other chemicals .

    合成 反应在生产其他化学产品中的化学过程和催化作用正在加以研究和开发,并已取得重要成果。

  • Pilot scale study on direct synthesis of dimethyl-ether from biomass synthesis gas Application of Orthogonal Experiment in Synthesizing Drag Reducer by Prepolymerization

    生物质 一步法合成二甲醚中试实验正交试验在预聚合法合成减阻剂中的应用

  • Study on Carbon Dioxide Reforming of Methane to Synthesis Gas over Low Nickel Content Substituted Hexaaluminate Catalysts

    低Ni载量六铝酸盐催化剂上甲烷和二氧化碳重整 合成 反应研究

  • The second most valuable use of refinery gas is the production of synthesis gas ( hydrogen and carbon monoxide ) for the manufacture of chemicals such as methanol .

    炼厂气的第二种最好应用是生产 合成 (氢气和一氧化碳)以用来生产化学产品如甲醇。

  • The temperature control of the flame zone plays an important role for synthesis gas preparation by the co-gasification of natural gas & coal .

    用实验室固定床反应器模拟 合成 制备炉,考察了该工艺中不同因素对火焰区温度的影响。

  • The product of gasification is so-called synthesis gas or syngas which is composed mostly of carbon monoxide and hydrogen undiluted with nitrogen .

    这个气化过程的产物为 合成 ,成份主要是一氧化碳与氢,并不含氮。

  • Study on Pd and Ni Based Catalysts for Partial Oxidation of Methane to Synthesis Gas

    甲烷部分氧化 合成 Ni系和Pd系催化剂性能研究

  • Study on preparation of Cu-based catalysts for methanol synthesis from CO_2-rich synthesis gas

    富二氧化碳 合成 制甲醇铜基催化剂制备研究

  • Review of Narrative Psychology ; It is described that the principle of producing synthesis gas with natural gas partial oxidation and the status of development and production in China and abroad .

    叙述了天然气部分氧化法制 合成 的原理、内外的开发和生产情况。叙述了该相变材料的 合成方法,讨论了它的相变机理及特点等。

  • Direct Partial Oxidation of Methane to Synthesis Gas Using Oxygen Carriers in the Absence of Gaseous Oxygen

    氧载体的氧物种直接氧化甲烷 合成

  • Synthesis Gas to Light Olefins over Iron-based Molecular Sieve-Supported Catalysts

    铁基分子筛负载型催化剂上的 合成 直接制取低碳烯烃反应

  • Design and operation analysis on 100-ton scale direct synthesis of DME from biomass synthesis gas

    百吨级生物质 合成 合成二甲醚中试系统设计及运行分析

  • A new process has been developed to synthesize p-aminophenol methyl ether from p-nitrophenol methyl ether by catalytic hydrogenation using ammonia synthesis gas instead of pure hydrogen .

    采用合成氨厂氨 合成 代替纯氢气催化氢化对硝基苯甲醚合成对氨基苯甲醚的新工艺,探讨了合成反应条件和对氨基苯甲醚收率的影响规律。

  • This project will also verify the technical viability of using the resulting clean synthesis gas in a downstream liquid fuel catalysis process .

    这项计划还将在一个后处理液态燃料催化过程中对使用 合成清洁 煤气的技术生存力进行检验。

  • EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMAL CRACKING BIOGAS ENGINE Pilot scale study on direct synthesis of dimethyl-ether from biomass synthesis gas

    热裂解 生物质 发动机燃烧特性试验

  • Design and verification of methanol synthesis gas by shift of purified yellow phosphorus off-gas

    净化黄磷尾气变换制甲醇 合成 设计与验证

  • Coal gasification is a well established technology for preduction of pipeline gas or synthesis gas .

    煤炭气化已被确认为制取管道煤气或 合成 的技术。

  • The Research of Ni Based Heterogeneous Catalysts for Synthesis Gas of Methane Reforming

    甲烷催化重整 合成 反应的Ni基复合催化剂的研究

  • The resulting synthesis gas ( syngas ) is cooled cleaned and fired in a gas turbine .

    生成 煤气继而冷却、净化并在燃气轮机燃烧做功。

  • If you just pile up your organic garbage it can take the microorganisms a long time . Some of these states require high-grade compost rather than the conversion of the fibre into synthesis gas and electricity .

    这样桑个性气候你就可以得到混合肥料了。某些国家需要高级混合肥料,而不是将纤维转化为 合成 气体和电能。

  • Based on correlative references catalytic oxidation and reformation of methane carbon dioxide and oxygen to synthesis gas by Ni-based catalysts was studied in this paper .

    本论文在参考相关文献的基础上,对甲烷、氧气和二氧化碳催化氧化重整 合成 镍基催化剂进行了研究。

  • The paper discussed and compared them and mainly reported the present and future situations about the technology of conversion of biomass into synthesis gas through liquefaction .

    文章分析了对比这两种途径的优缺点,并简要阐述了先液化后气化制 合成 技术的研究现状和未来展望。

  • Progress in Methane Catalytic Reforming with Carbon Dioxide to Synthesis Gas

    甲烷二氧化碳催化重整制取 合成 的研究进展

  • Partial Oxidation of Methane to Synthesis Gas Catalyzed by Metallic Ni Catalysts

    Ni金属催化剂催化甲烷部分氧化 合成 的研究

  • Study on Lattice Oxygen Catalysts in Making Synthesis Gas from Natural Gas

    晶格氧材料用于天然气制 合成 方法研究

  • Both companies will use the technology to manufacture synthesis gas as feedstock for new methanol plants .

    这两家公司将利用该技术生产的 合成 ,作为新建甲醇厂的原料。

  • Damage Analysis of Desulfurizer Equipments for Synthesis Gas Plant and Its Prevention Measures

    合成 装置脱硫设备损伤分析及治理

  • Some of these states require high-grade compost rather than the conversion of the fibre into synthesis gas and electricity .

    某些国家需要高级混合肥料,而不是将纤维转化为 合成 气体和电能。