table write

[ˈtebəl raɪt][ˈteibl rait]

[计] 表写入

  • There are two options for user access to a table while a RUNSTATS is running against that table : allow read access and allow write access .

    当对一个 运行RUNSTATS时,有两种用户访问选项:允许读访问和允许 访问。

  • Since the rail centerline data is presented in the form of excel table we write a line calculation program to solve this problem .

    由于铁路中线的原始数据是以Excel 形式存在的,我们采用 自己 编制线路计算程序的方案来解决这一问题。

  • For this example in which the database query only returns the rows of a single table you might just write a small PHP function to wrap each column in an XML tag .

    在本例中,数据库查询只返回单个 的行,您也许要 编写一个PHP小函数对XML标记中的每一列进行打包。

  • Other applications that want to access data in the same table concurrently do not need to disconnect from the database and are free to pursue read or write operations in that table .

    其他想要并发访问相同 中的数据的应用程序不需要与数据库断开连接,并且可以继续进行该表中的读或 操作。

  • If the summary tables don 't display what you want then you can write your own trace processing tools on top of the text dump or the ( generally XML-based ) output of the command-line actions .

    如果Xperf自带的summary table不能满足你的需要,你可以使用Xperf处理工具得到这些事件的文本转储,或者Xperf命令的输出结果(一般是基于XML的),然后 自己的工具来进一步处理。

  • If you need to have write access to the database available while column data type is changed you can use of ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE routine described in the next section .

    如果需要在修改列数据类型期间对数据库 执行 访问,可以使用下一小节描述的 ADMIN MOVE TABLE 例程

  • The last operator in the flow is a Table Target operator pointing to a table where you want to write the annotations .

    数据流中的最后一个操作器是指向您希望 写入注释的 的TableTarget操作器。

  • For birthdays use your training get a mortality table then write delightful messages such as 46 per cent depreciated now !

    对于生日,可以用上你的专业,画一个死亡率 ,然后 上一些让人高兴的话,比如现在折旧了46%!

  • Fill in the table and get to know how to write a place introduction .

    通过 表格,掌握地点介绍 写作的脉络及 写作要求。

  • Snapshot data can provide a periodic view of bufferpool usage sort heap usage locking and table read / write activity .

    快照数据能够提供缓冲池使用情况、排序堆使用情况、锁定和 读/ 活动的定期视图。

  • The S lock allows concurrent applications that use read-only queries to access the target table but applications attempting to write data to the table are prevented from doing so .

    S锁允许使用只读查询的并发应用程序访问目标 ,但是防止应用程序 数据到表中。

  • In the evening I sat at the table and began to write down on my notebook what I had done during the day .

    晚上,我坐在 开始在笔记本上 下我一天所干的事。

  • The following table shows the accounts that are granted read write and clear access to each log .

    说明了对各日志具有读取、 写入和清除访问权限的帐户。

  • This allows the entire lookup table to be loaded into memory each time a user submits a request to read or write data .

    在用户每次提交一个读 数据的请求时,这可以将要查询的整个 装入内存中。

  • One option for further consideration would tracking modifications using database triggers and having the interceptor access the table the triggers write to .

    一个可选的更深的考虑是使用数据库触发器来跟踪变化,让拦截器访问触发器所 写入

  • First we will create a table to hold our author data then write a PHP script that enables us to browse through existing authors .

    首先,我们将创建一 来保存我们的作者数据,然后 编写一个PHP脚本,它允许我们浏览全部现有的作者。

  • It allows applications to perform constant data load operations to a table in the background while the interactive read and write operations can occur concurrently .

    它允许应用程序在后台 对表执行恒定数据加载操作,同时可以执行交互式读取和 写入操作。

  • Teacher the gift table like a token of the students : I hope that when you turn the invigilators a blind eye ; Panjuan paper when Gaotaiguishou ; write reviews a lot of kind words .

    老师,这份礼物 略表学生的一点心意:希望您监考时睁一只眼闭一只眼;判卷纸时高抬贵手; 评语时多多美言。

  • For the purpose of illustration the contents of this internal table are printed to the standard output device using an ABAP write statement .

    为了便于讲解,使用ABAP write语句把这个内部 的内容输出到标准输出设备。

  • Is there a table of contents of the book you 're going to write ?

    你准备 的那本书有 目录吗?

  • He seated himself at the writing table and began to write the article .

    他在写字 台前坐下,开始 文章。

  • The row keys in a table are arbitrary strings where every read or write of data under a single row key is atomic .

    中的行键可以是任意字符串,其中单一行键下数据的每个读操作或 操作都是原子的。