tablet press

[ˈtæblɪt prɛs][ˈtæblit pres]

[化] 压片机

  • Start the tablet press and check whether the deduster is working .

    启动 压片检查除尘器是否工作。

  • Select the program you want to start when you press this tablet button .

    选择您 按下tablet按钮时要启动的程序。

  • Remote supervision and diagnosis technology for tablet press machine is a new automatic control technology developed at abroad which is studied in China by only a few companies .

    压片机远程监测和远程诊断技术是国外新兴发展起来的一种 压片 自动控制技术,目前国内仅有少数几家企业已经开展这方面的研究。

  • Automatic tablet press is used to prepare steel slag samples for X-ray spectrofluorimetry at Masteel 's No.4 Steel group .

    采用自动 压片 压制马钢四钢轧总厂的钢渣样,样片用于X荧光光谱仪分析。

  • ZP35D rotary tablet press is double-press type continuous automatic tablet press for pressing granular raw materials into tablets .

    本机是一种双压式自动旋转、连续 压片的机器,将颗粒状原料压制成片剂。

  • Materials such as mixed powders or granules are compressed with a rotary tablet press machine to make the core material .

    所以 药片 广泛应用于 医疗 产品和健康的食物中。像混合粉末和颗粒剂这样的原料被旋转压缩成药片的中心的材料。

  • Start the tablet press and ensure that the compaction force of the prepared punch still exceeds the tolerance limit plus .

    启动 压片,确保标记冲杆压力在正公差之外。