systematic programming

[ˌsɪstəˈmætɪk ˈproˌɡræmɪŋ][ˌsistəˈmætik ˈprəuɡræmiŋ]

[计] 系统化程序设计

  • A systematic forecast method for city life water requirement is established and it has theoretical and practical significance to provide a reference for city water resources programming .

    并建立起一套 系统的城市生活需水量预测方法,为城市水资源 规划提供决策参考,具有理论和实践意义。

  • Hadoop provides a systematic way to implement this programming paradigm .

    Hadoop提供了一种 系统的方法来实现这种 程序 设计范式。

  • The Research on Systematic Programming and Management about Route of Road Passenger Transport

    道路客运班线 规划与管理 系统研究

  • The design guidelines for parallel PCB winding and systematic programming technique for the loss model are also given .

    分析结果和 系统 实现的模型为设计提供了方法和指导。

  • The approach of systematic analysis is used for xxx oil refinery to set up a linear programming model so as to make an optimal production plan bringing about the remarkable economic profits .

    本文用 系统分析方法为×××炼油厂建立了生产计划线性 规划模型,在此基础上用电子计算机制定了最优生产计划,经济效益是较为显著的。

  • Data collection and control systematic programming on PC.

    上位机PC的数据采集与控制 系统 程序 设计

  • Adopted by systematic accumulation programming under MATLAB statistic tool the optimizing design of water quality monitoring section of Chang Zhou city part of Beijing-Hang Zhou Canal was developed .

    采用MATLAB统计工具箱中 系统聚类分析法 编程进行了京杭运河(常州市区段)水质监测断面的优化设置。

  • According to the systematic structure of C / S which is commonly used to develop web server and the characteristics of Servlet and JSP server programming a system has been developed based on the structure like JSP + servlet + database .

    根据当前常用的服务器开发模式C/S 系统结构,结合Servlet和JSP服务器 编程的特点,构建了以JSP+Servlet+数据库的系统开发结构;

  • Moreover it is testifies that the space gradually created through the usage presents better oneness but less complexity and adaptability than through the systematic programming .

    完整 规划 思想下形成的空间与经过使用而形成的空间是不同的,它具有良好的统一性,却缺乏复杂性与适应性。

  • It includes systematic function design data process design interface design hardware environment design database design programming and so on .

    包括 系统功能设计、数据流程设计、接口设计、硬件环境设计、数据库设计、 程序 设计等。

  • Adoption of systematic analysis technology to build programming model is important and useful for optimization of MSWMS .

    所以,采用 系统分析技术建立 规划模型,优化城市生活垃圾管理系统具有十分重要意义。

  • The lecture makes a systematic introduction of the procedure and method of the computer programming concerning the wire & electrode cutting .

    铝挤压模具线切割 程序 编制讲座 系统 介绍了线切割 程序 编制的过程和方法。

  • This paper deals briefly with the method of geometric programming and makes a systematic exposition of the Geometric programming some problems on the programming and puts forward to compile program method for solving greater difficult degree geometric programming in iterative method .

    本文概要地介绍几何规划方法, 系统 阐述 程序 设计的若干问题,并提出用迭代法解决大困难度几何规划问题的程序设计方法。

  • Air traffic flow management is a systematic programming management for solving air traffic jams .

    空中交通流量管理是为解决空中交通拥挤而进行的 系统 规划管理。

  • It can realize programming in system . The article introduces the configuration of program memory and Special Function Registers and the method of IAP programming and particularly analyzes the BSL firmware application in systematic programming in detail .

    在介绍与IAP功能相关的特殊功能寄存器、程序存储器的配置、IAP的编程方法的基础上,详细剖析BSL固件实现在 系统 编程的方法。

  • In order to solve the problems such as confusion code poor consistency and extension in traditional Object-Oriented Programming pattern for systematic public functions Aspect-Oriented Programming is created .

    为解决传统的面向对象开发技术中所存在的代码混乱,一致性差和扩展困难等问题,产生了面向方面开发技术( Aspect-orientedprogramming, AOP)。

  • The development of optimizing and guiding systematic software of Baoshan iron and steel plant is realized by adopting the mix the programming strategy of MATLAB and VC + + and using ADO database technology .

    采用MATLAB与VC++两者混合 编程的策略,利用基于ADO的数据库编程技术实现了宝钢烧结优化指导 系统软件开发。

  • The control of agricultural non-point source pollution is a complex systematic engineering . The conflict between economic developing and environmental protecting in Chinese agricultural watershed ( requires ) programming management practices through balancing technological and socioeconomic conditions in local level .

    农业非点源污染控制是一个复杂的 系统工程,将技术手段与当地环境经济条件整合在一起,建立管理措施的 优化 方案,是我国流域环境保护与经济发展矛盾突出国情的基本要求。

  • The design that has introduced systematic software is ideological and design train of thought as system controls software to carry out programming carry out each systematic hardware suit realize each systematic function especially the function with the most major system to warning function .

    介绍了 系统软件的设计思想及设计思路,对系统控制软件进行 编程,将系统各硬件进行整合,实现系统各功能,特别是系统最主要的功能&灭火功能。

  • The measure and control unit adopted embedded real-time operating system it made systematic response time reliably and it simplified the difficulty of designing program and file management and improved the programming efficiency greatly .

    前台测控装置采用嵌入式实时操作系统,从而使 系统的响应时间有了可靠保证,并简化了程序设计及文档管理的难度,大大提高了 编程效率。

  • Completed the Programming of Planar imaging and three-dimensional imaging the study of Algorithm that is used to change gray image to Pseudo-color image the study of Algorithm to remove systematic errors and Programming especially investigated Image mosaic technologies in depth .

    完成了平面成像与三维成像的程序设计,灰度图像到伪彩色图像转换的算法研究,去除 系统误差的算法研究与 软件 编写,并主要针对并行探测深入研究了图像拼接相关技术。

  • The programming of parking facilities development should based on the systematic study of the parking demanding each city should arrange a reasonable programming of the parking facilities system in the light of the characteristics of every locality .

    停车设施建设的规划和设计应当建立在对停车需求的 系统研究分析上,各个城市可以根据各地的特点,合理 规划城市中心区的停车设施系统。