systolic pressure


  • The pulmonary artery systolic pressure and right ventricular wall thickness changes with this three group were compared before and after treatment . Results : 1 .

    观察治疗前后肺动脉 收缩 和右室前壁厚度的变化。

  • Heart rate systolic pressure and their product ;

    3心率及心率和 收缩 的乘积;

  • Finger systolic pressure and response to cold challenge ( digital artery closing temperature ) can be measured by using the Neilson technique .

    可用Neilson技术测得手指 收缩 及对冷刺激反应(指动脉闭合温度)。

  • Before and after treatment group is the systolic pressure diastolic pressure were significantly improve P0.05 .

    治疗组治疗前后的 收缩 、舒张压均显著改善,P0.05。

  • Indexes of systolic pressure of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring are crisis factors in left ventricular remolding .

    提示: 收缩 指标是高血压左室构型改变的重要危险因素。

  • After controlling two effect of anthropometric parameters on each other systolic pressure and diastolic pressure were only correlated with height and chest circumference ( P 0.01 ) but was not correlated with age sex and body mass ( P 0.05 ) .

    控制人体测量指标之间的相互影响后, 收缩 、舒张压只与身高和胸围呈相关关系(P0.01),与年龄、性别、体质量无相关关系(P0.05)。

  • The systolic pressure load and diastolic pressure load was significantly difference between LVH group and non - LVH group especially nocturnal blood pressure load ( p < 0.001 ) and 24 hours systolic pressure load ( p < 0.001 );

    LVH组和无LVH组的 收缩 负荷和舒张压负荷均有显著差异,尤其是夜间血压负荷(p<0.001)和24小时收缩压负荷(p<0.001);

  • Results There were significant differences in systolic pressure diastolic pressure and E spike integral of diastole between fear and amusement emotions .

    结果恐惧情绪和愉快情绪时相比的 收缩 和舒张压、舒张期二尖瓣口E峰积分有显著性变化;

  • Children 's upper limb tourniquet pressuer : the effect of systolic pressure and arm circumference

    小儿上肢止血带压力与 收缩 和上臂周长的关系

  • The pulmonary artery pressures ( including systolic pressure diastolic pressure and mean pressure ) had not significantly changed after reconstruction with the conduits .

    重建右心室流出道前后肺动脉 收缩 、舒张压和平均压均无明显改变,右心室舒张压无明显变化,收缩压和平均压显著增加(P<0.01)。

  • The first pumping sound your doctor hears is recorded as the systolic pressure and the last sound is the diastolic pressure .

    医生听到的第一个泵的声音被记录为 收缩 ,最后一个声音是舒张压。

  • The results discovered that declined rate of the night mean systolic pressure and mean diastolic pressure correlated negatively with LVM and LVMI .

    结果发现:夜间平均 收缩 和平均舒张压下降率与LVM和LVMI呈显著负相关。

  • Conclusions : The measurement of tissue pressure systolic pressure and diastolic pressure has great clinical significance in the guidance of oppaortune time foa fasciotomy .

    结论:组织压、 收缩 、舒张压的结合测量对指导何时行减压术有重要临床意义。

  • Elevated systolic pressure alone particularly common in older people is just as dangerous as elevations of both systolic and diastolic pressure .

    收缩 升高,这种情况在年长者中颇为常见,就和舒张压收缩压同时升高一样危险。

  • RESULTS : There was no significant difference in diastolic pressure and systolic pressure before and under -4.00 kPa .

    在-4.00kPa下身负压作用时, 收缩 与舒张压与负压前对照差别无显著性意义;

  • Results : Comparing with before training the vital capacity of subjects increases and body weight decreases systolic pressure falls and diastolic pressure rises slightly the cardiac pump function and microcirculation function improves obviously and electrocardiograms improve slightly .

    结果:与训练前相比受试者肺活量显著提高、体重降低、 收缩 略降低、舒张压略升高、心泵功能和微循环功能明显改善、心电图改善。

  • Systolic pressure ( SBP ) and left ventricular mass index was measured .

    测量 收缩 、左心室重量指数;

  • RESULTS : In sodium restricted group the plasma sodium and atrial ANP and left ventricular systolic pressure and artery pressure were obviously lower than those in CHF group while the plasma and ventricular ANP and the right atrial pressure were remarkably higher ;

    结果:心衰限钠组血钠、心房心钠素及左室 收缩 和动脉压显著低于心衰组,血浆和心室心钠素、右房压均显著高于心衰组;

  • Age systolic pressure pulse pressure and diastolic pressure are in correlation with arteriosclerotic index .

    年龄、 收缩 、脉压、舒张压大小与动脉硬化指数有关。

  • The systolic pressure and diastolic pressure decreased 5-20 mmHg among 83.33 % and 79.17 % of the cases .

    在血压下降值为(5~20)mmHg范围, 收缩 和舒张压下降的病例数分别为20例(83.33%)、19例(79.17%)。

  • MPI also correlated positively with the pulmonary artery systolic pressure .

    慢性肺心病 MPI与 年龄、肺动脉 收缩 呈正相关。

  • An elevation of the systolic pressure without an elevation of the diastolic pressure as occurs in isolated systolic hypertension therefore increases the pulse pressure .

    收缩压不断增长而舒张 不变就会形成独立性 收缩期高血压,相应地,脉压也会增加。

  • The number of EPCs from SA group inversely correlated with systolic pressure and fasting plasma glucose level .

    SA组患者EPCs数量与 收缩 、空腹血糖水平呈负相关。

  • The heart rate systolic pressure diastolic pressure and total work were recorded during bicycle exercise stress test .

    观察 收缩 自然 消失情况,并对部分患儿进行踏车运动试验,测定极量运动时的心率、 收缩 、舒张压及其贮备和总运动功量。

  • Compare to NTG metoprolol lowered heart rate and myocardial oxygen consumption index ( systolic pressure × heart rate ) .

    美托洛尔比NTG更明显地降低了心率和心肌耗氧指数( 收缩 ×心率)。

  • Systolic pressure was significantly higher in higher insulin group than that in normal insulin group .

    高胰岛素组 收缩 显著高于胰岛素正常组(P<0.01)。