system level simulation

[ˈsɪstəm ˈlɛvəl ˌsɪmjəˈleʃən][ˈsistəm ˈlevl ˌsɪmjəˈleɪʃən]

[计] 系统级模拟

  • To reduce the impact of the Shadow fading environment the filter process is utilized . The filter parameters for the different speeds are determined by LTE system level simulation platform .

    为了减小信道环境中阴影衰落的影响,实现了滤波过程,结合LTE 系统 仿真平台对不同速度下的滤波参数进行确定。

  • We will analyze the performance of different MIMO schemes in LTE using the system level simulation so in chapter 4 it will introduce the conception of system level simulation and the process of simulation as well as some methods of modeling .

    我们采用 系统 仿真的方法来研究LTE中各种多天线传输方式在特定条件下的性能,因此在第四章将介绍系统级仿真的概念、流程以及研究一些关键技术及算法的建模实现。

  • Based on hardware / software codesign a new kind of system level simulation emulation and debugging method ( called SSED ) is proposed which can be conveniently used in processor design .

    基于软硬件协同设计技术提出了基于 系统 模拟仿真和调试方法( SSED),其基本思想是:在模拟和仿真时建立真实的运行环境;

  • Structured CAD methodology for integrated MEMS design is introduced together with the modeling and simulation level of MEMS systems . Emphasis is put on the generation of micro models and the realization of system level simulation .

    文中主要介绍了MEMS系统的一些结构化、标准化的设计方法以及MEMS系统建模与模拟的分级,重点阐述了MEMS器件级与系统级模拟之间的桥梁&宏模型的建立及 系统 模拟的实现。

  • System Level Simulation and Implementation of the Fixed-point DSP Based MP3 Decoder

    基于定点DSP的MP3解码器的 系统 仿真与实现

  • The characteristics of Verilog-A HDL are introduced and the flow of system level simulation using Verilog-A behavioral model is analyzed .

    分析了模拟 硬件描述语言Verilog-A的特点,介绍了基于Verilog-A语言的行为 模拟电路设计过程。

  • System level simulation usually used three methods : uncertainty analysis Monte Carlo static simulation and dynamic simulation . In addition the paper explains the cause of interference and how to model the transmitter and receiver in simulations .

    系统 仿真通常使用的三种方法:确定性分析、蒙特卡洛静态仿真和动态仿真,另外,介绍了 系统 系统 产生干扰的原理以及如何对发射机和接收机建立模型。

  • System level simulation of multi-processor SoC architecture based on hierarchical bus

    层次总线型多核SoC结构 系统 模拟

  • Finally a system level simulation platform is developed to verify to the MGT algorithm .

    最后,论文建立了 系统 仿真平台,对 MGT算法进行了 仿真

  • System level simulation emulation and debugging technology for processor & new methodology based on hardware / software codesign

    面向处理器的 系统 模拟、仿真及调试技术&基于软硬件协同设计的新方法

  • It is proved by analysis in theory and system level simulation that the adaptive congestion control algorithm can enlarge system throughput while controlling system load .

    经过理论分析和 系统 仿真,验证了自适应拥塞控制算法在控制系统负载的条件下,提高了系统吞吐量。

  • The System Level Simulation of Wideband CDMA Mobile Communication System

    宽带码分多址移动通信系统的 系统 性能 仿真

  • A TDD / CDMA system level simulation platform . is devised . Based on the platform the effect of power control error on the DL performance of TDD / CDMA is analyzed and simulated in the environment with velocity of 120 km / h.

    设计了时分双工码分多址 系统 仿真平台,仿真分析了功率控制误差对120km/h车速的时分双工码分多址系统下行性能的影响。

  • System Level Simulation Methodology and WiMAX Simulation

    系统 仿真方法与WiMAX仿真

  • With system level simulation method we simulate the two systems in different environments to analyze the inter-system interference . The simulation is focused on the relationship between system capacity and throughput compare with the effect of the interference in three environments .

    通过静态 系统 仿真的方法,着重分析了系统间的干扰对于系统容量损失和吞吐量的影响。并且比较了三种情况下的容量损失与干扰分布,为未来实际系统的规划提供参考依据。

  • Link level simulation results represents this scheme could greatly improve the SINR gain while system level simulation demonstrates that in overcoming inter-cell interference and improving system spectrum efficiency this scheme is also proved to be effective .

    链路级仿真证明该技术方案能够明显提高信扰比增益; 系统 仿真证明了该技术方案在对抗小区间干扰和提高系统频谱效率方面的有效性。

  • In terms of modular design the platform was divided into four modules application level simulation module system level simulation module link level simulation module and cross-layer optimizer .

    按照模块化的设计思想,将整个仿真平台分为业务级仿真模块、 系统 仿真模块、链路级仿真模块和跨层优化器四个独立模块。