



  • You can also try putting some veggies or milk and spices for a tasty twist .

    你还可以试着放一些蔬菜或牛奶和 香料

  • Going veggie can be tasty easy and healthy too .

    吃素也可以 可口,烹饪也容易,并且有益健康。

  • It mixes easily with cold or hot water to make a tasty filling drink

    它极易溶于冷水或热水,冲 可口 充饥的饮料。

  • Veggies can be tasty as well .

    蔬菜也可以是 美味的。

  • If you like steak have the sirloin . It 's tasty as can be .

    如果你想吃牛排,来块牛腰肉。再 好吃不过了。

  • Apart from the noodles my classmates took me to try a kind of tasty dessert .

    除了面以外,我的同学们也带我尝了一种 可口的甜点。

  • You use food processor mix all the ingredients together finally you got this tasty stuff .

    你用食品加工器将所有的食材混合在一起,最后你就能得到这个 美味的东西了。

  • They all very tasty . I can hardly wait it .

    它们都很 好吃。我等不及了。

  • He ate a spoonful of soup and found it tasty .

    他品尝了一匙汤,觉得很 可口

  • I thought the food was very tasty .

    我觉得这食物很 可口

  • My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us .

    我妈妈为我们买了好多 可口的食物。

  • Some have meat and vegetables in them and others have sugar eggs and other tasty things .

    一些饺子 有肉和蔬菜,有些 有糖、蛋和其他 好吃的东西。

  • And we will have dumpling and many tasty food .

    我们要吃饺子以及许多 好吃 中国菜。

  • Many tasty and nutritious meals can be rustled up in next to no time .

    转眼之间就能准备好很多营养 可口的饭菜。

  • I like grapes . It 's tasty .

    我喜欢葡萄,它是 美味的。

  • Her mouth was working as if she was masticating some tasty titbit

    她的嘴在动,好像在嚼什么 好吃的。

  • Tasty ice cream with rose water saffron pistachios and chunk 's of cream .


  • Add a little aginomoto to make the food more tasty .

    搁点儿味精提 提味儿。

  • It 's really tasty . I have to say that you are very good at cooking .

    好吃了!我不得不说你煮饭煮 很好吃。

  • I like meatballs . They 're tasty .

    我喜欢肉丸子.他们是 好吃的。

  • Try this tasty dish for supper with a crispy salad

    晚饭就着 脆的色拉尝尝这道佳肴

  • She made a fluffy tasty cake for her son 's birthday .

    她在儿子生日时做了一个松软 可口的蛋糕。

  • The dish looks good but is not tasty .

    这道菜好看不 好吃

  • Here comes my tasty food .


  • Although it is tasty crab is very filling .

    螃蟹虽然 好吃,却容易让人感到饱足。

  • Flavored with peanuts this is tasty and very popular .

    加了花生之后它便十分 可口了,而且深受青睐。

  • This fish is very tasty delicious w_105 .

    这种鱼很 好吃

  • This dish is very tasty .

    这个菜很有 滋味

  • She was skilled in preparing tasty dishes .

    她很会 做菜

  • The dish is very tasty .

    菜做得 入味