Sub-dictionary design has a positive maximum syncopation MM and reverse maximum syncopation RMM !
分词典型设计,有正向最大 切分 法MM与逆向最大切分法RMM!
This produces an effect called syncopation & another characteristic of jazz .
这 便产生了 切分 音的效果。 这种 切分 音是爵士音乐的另一个特征。
There is few postfix in quasi-oral and numerous mistaken syncopation .
准口语中后缀的使用较少,且 切分错误较多。
The plate recognition mainly contains three processes : license plate location 、 character syncopation 、 character recognition .
违规分析的 关键 在于车牌识别,车牌识别主要包括三个步骤:车牌定位、字符 切分、车牌识别。
This article discusses the techniques of Chinesization and syncopation which play key roles in Chinese search engine .
论述了开发中文搜索引擎在 语言方面的 两 项关键技术, 即 中文 分词技术和汉化问题,介绍了 几种解决方案。
Notice syncopation in the second phrase where the accent falls after the first beat .
注意第二乐句中的 切分 音,重音在第一拍之后出现。
( music ) a tremulous effect produced by rapid repetition of a single tone or rapid alternation of two tones . This produces an effect called syncopation & another characteristic of jazz .
(音乐)由于迅速重复某个声音而引起的震颤的声音效果。这便产生了 切分音的效果。 这种 切分 音是爵 土音乐的另一个特征。
This paper 's target is build the semantic combination model of noun + noun by analyzing the semantic structure and collocation among the members in the structure of nouns in order to provide the formal rules for machine syncopation and semantic understanding .
本文选题的目的是通过名词语义结构以及结构各成员间的搭配关系分析,建立名+名的语义组合模式,为机器 切分、语义理解提供可形式化的规则。
It was jazz music he loved its syncopations .
他喜爱爵士乐,喜欢它的 切分 音。
In the second part the technique of the pretreatment and the line syncopation of the business cards are briefly introduced .
第二部分简要介绍本系统的名片预处理 模块 与 自动行 切分 模块 的 实现方法。
In the syncopation to Earth 's time mountains of karma can be released and it is through such that the human karma for warfare will be released this year .
在 与地球时间的 同步中,业力之山可以被释放,而就是通过这样,人类的战争业力将在今年被释放。
The software was designed by VC + + 6.0 . The user interface was divided into three parts : detecting control box video image box and wave box using the technique of window syncopation .
采用VC++6.0设计了软件界面,利用 视图窗口 拆分技术,将用户界面分为检测控制区、视频图像区以及波形显示 区;
Third creative approaches consisting of tonality syncopation harmony and coloratura are mutual technical characteristic .
其三、调性、 切分 音、和声技术的运用、花腔 乐句 的 设计等创作手法,是中西花腔女高音作品创作中所共有的技术特征。
LFSR Reseeding Based on Syncopation of Some Test Patterns
基于部分测试向量 切分的LFSR重新播种方法
This approach can evaluate syncopation of Chinese phonetic string and syllable-to-character conversion comprehensively which has been applied to popular systems using partial Peoples Daily in1996 .
该方法对汉字拼音输入技术的音节流自动 切分和音字转换两方面进行了较全面的评估。
There was some nice syncopation and it had a good swing to it
其中有些动听的 切分 音,而且 节奏也很 优美。
Jazz brings together frenetic syncopation with beautiful melodies to create one very cool package .
爵士乐把狂热的 切分 音和美妙的旋律结合起来形成很酷的有机整体。
This article introduces the implementation of an automatic syncopation and classification system .
本文介绍一个自动 分词分类系统的实现过程。
Chinese Words Divided Syncopation Technology is the difficulty of the query technique based on phrase .
研究了中文 自动 分词技术,这是中文全文检索 钟 的 关键技术。
Modify the rhythm by syncopation in music .
在音乐中,通过 切分来改变节奏。
And analyzed further feasible means about hyper text retrieval multi B tree structure Chinese syncopation automatic index and so on .
并进一步分析了采用超文本检索、多B树结构、汉语 词 的 切分和自动标引等可行方法。
Jazz music borrowed syncopated rhythms from ragtime and syncopation is what makes jazz the lively energetic music that it is today .
爵士乐从散拍音乐借用了切分音的节奏,也正是 切分 音为今日爵士乐注入了生气与活力。
美[ˌsɪŋkəˈpeʃən, ˌsɪn-]英[ˌsɪŋkə'peɪʃn]