Her task is finishing work on time .
她的 任务是准时完成 工作。
It is the primary task of economy work to increase peasants ' income at the new stage .
新阶段增加农民收入是经济 工作的首要 任务。
If you remove the only resource from a fixed units or fixed duration task the work value disappears .
如果将“固定单位”或“固定工期” 任务中唯一的资源也删除了, 工时值将会消失。
A Method Element could be a Content Element ( Role Task Work Product or Content Guidance ) or a Process Element ( Activity Capability Pattern Delivery Process or Process Guidance ) .
一个方法元素有可能是一个内容元素(角色、 任务、 工作产品,或者内容指南),或者一个过程元素(活动、能力模式,交付过程,或者过程指南)。
Process Approval : A task with work assignment to the role of Reviewer .
ProcessApproval:向角色Reviewer分配 工作 的 任务。
A part of that effort goes into continuing to improve how task contexts work & for example the way that web pages populate your task context and instantly restore when you return to task .
为了实现这个目标,我们努力不断地优化 任务上下文 工作的方式,&比如修改web页面populate工作上下文以便在你重新打开任务的时候立即恢复到之前工作状态的方式。
This paper explains importance of multi functional task work package for underwater robot firstly and emphasizes the principles functions and two kinds of main structures of underwater robotic manipulator .
本文首先阐述了水下机器人 作业工具包的重要性,重点研究了水下机械手的原理、功能及两种主要结构。
Again select the task and click Work on .
同样,选择 任务,并单击 Workon。
Start with the most important task and work down .
从最重要的 工作开始然后分解。
Each request-response message shows the actual administrative task 's work results which can help you understand the Atom XML format .
每个请求-响应消息都显示实际的管理 任务 的 工作结果,它们能够帮助您理解AtomXML格式。
Therefore it is an urgent task to work out standards for the Japanese course in higher vocational education .
因此,高职类院校日语课程标准的 编写、出台,已是 当务之急。
It is not an easy task doing this work .
做这 工作真非 易事。
Check the box next to the task and click Work on to claim the task .
选中该 任务旁边的复选框,单击 Workon以认领该任务。
For example while the export file contains complete information about each task 's work products those are not currently converted into work products in Portfolio Manager .
例如,虽然导出文件包含了每个 任务 的 工作产品的完整信息,但是目前他们还没被转化为PortfolioManager中的工作产品。
The task work has developed one set of NGW-S type planetary gear reducer CAD 's system of collection design model building assembly animation and possesses the important meaning to raise the design standard of the NGW-S type planetary gear reducer .
本文开发了一套集设计计算、建模、装配仿真为一体的 NGW-S型行星齿轮减速器的CAD系统,对提高NGW-S型行星齿轮减速器的设计效率和设计水平具有重要意义。
Make clear the task and work hard for it
明确 任务 扎实 工作
This paper analyzes the necessity of the establishment of CKO ( chief knowledge officer ) in library his role main task work step and the factors for his success and discusses the establishment of library organization combined with knowledge management .
本文论述了图书馆设立知识主管的必要性、图书馆知识主管的角色定位、主要 任务 和 工作步骤以及图书馆知识主管成功的要素,并结合知识管理对图书馆的机构设置作了有益地探索。
Equal to the task ; the work isn 't up to the standard I require .
胜任这 项 任务;这 活计不满足我要求的标准。
The principle task and work of the project : In the demand analysis phase define overall object and range of the system to be developed according to the previous environment emergency management information system and environment emergency operation process put forth solutions at current technical level .
在本课题中主要 任务 和 工作是:在需求分析阶段根据以往的环境应急管理信息系统和环境应急业务流程,确定待开发系统的总体目标和范围,在现有的技术能力水平下给出解决方案。
At last the unified parameter set of feature attribute is formed before digital mapping and is taken as the work resources common standards for all individuals participating in task work .
即在数字成图生产之前就形成了统一的要素属性参数集,作为所有参与 任务 作业个体的作业资源公共标准。
Often a single Task requires the work of multiple users .
通常一个单一的 任务需要多个用户来 完成。
As to multitudinous ness of equipment and task work of maintenance considering the reliability security and economy of the equipment a fuzzy integrated judgment model and Monte Carlo simulation approach are adopted to staple the equipment and make it the base to optimize the maintenance work .
针对电厂设备众多、检修 任务 重的情况,对设备从可靠性、安全性、经济性多方面综合考虑,运用模糊综合判断模型和蒙特卡罗仿真法,进行合理评级,并在此基础上优化设备检修任务。
How to carry out reform and creativity in ideology and politics is an important task political work in universities must face .
在新形势下如何对政治理论课进行改革创新,是高校思想政治 工作面临的一个重要 课题。
With the rapid development of archives cause the task of archives work of five-year junior college in the construction and development is very arduous .
随着档案事业迅速发展,五年制专科学校的档案 工作在建设和发展中的 任务也表现得十分繁重。
Position description and reasonable performance evaluation criteria were established through analyzing the characteristics task and work flow of every position .
结果:各岗位明确了 工作要求,主动 开展 员工的自我管理,并对照绩效考核目标完成本岗位 工作。
For example you may have installed a methodology that includes the task and requirement work item types .
例如,您可能已经安装了一个包括“ 任务”和“要求” 工作项类型的方法。
What will you do if you meet a problem which may delay your task at work ?
当你 工作中遇到一个可能导致你的 任务延期的问题,你会怎么做?
Activating a Task indicates that work has begun .
激活一个 任务表明这个 工作已经开始。
美[tæsk wɚk]英[tɑ:sk wə:k]
[经] 计件工作,重活