talk over the telephone

[tɔk ˈovɚ ði ˈtɛləˌfon][tɔ:k ˈəuvə ðə ˈtelifəun]


  • I can 't talk over the telephone . One word in the wrong quarter and this whole thing might Blow sky high .

    这事不好在 电话 。我要是走漏了一句话,整个事情就会弄得满城风雨了。

  • May also take down the earphone maintains privacy which you talk over the telephone ;

    也可以取下耳机,保持你 通话的私密性;

  • If to driving only need draw out the earphone from the connection may use the earphone immediately to talk over the telephone .

    如离开车内,只需将耳机从接口拔出,立即可以使用耳机 通话

  • Let 's talk about this face-to-face . I don 't like talking over the telephone .

    咱们还是当面 吧。我不喜欢 电话上讲。

  • I really don 't want to talk about this over the telephone .

    我真的不想 电话这些。