

[医] 鹧鸪菜,海人草

  • Mr Tanaka at the IEA says that China would be the ideal test-site for some of these technologies which he says will become one of the central issues of climate change debates .


  • For Michio Tanaka an emerging products director seconded to the UK from Japan a big worry was how his wife who spoke little English would cope .

    对从日本借调至英国的新兴产品总监michio tanaka而言,他的“一大担心”是自己基本不会讲英语的妻子如何应付在英国的生活。

  • Tanaka Business School wishes to become a leading research-led business school .

    规模在过去的十年要成为 中商学院领先的的商学院研究为主。

  • Keisuke Tanaka head of the Whole Earth Nature School which runs eco tours of the mountain said that the donations should be used to improve trails and toilets and add waste treatment facilities and multilingual signs .

    全球自然学校(WholeEarthNatureSchool 是一家经营富士山生态旅游活动的 机构,主管田中启介(Keisuke Tanaka 认为,捐款将应用于改善山道和如厕条件,并增添垃圾处理设施和多语言标识。

  • But the unit was ignored as a growth area by Hisao Tanaka Toshibas new chief executive when in August he cited data storage and healthcare as the most promising areas of focus for the group .

    但东芝新任首席执行官田中久雄(Hisao Tanaka 并未把该业务视为一个增长点。今年8月他表示,数据存储和医疗保健是东芝集团最有前景的重点领域。

  • On the diplomatic front LDP Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka made a landmark visit to Brazil in 1974 to bolster investment deals .

    从外交方面来看,1974年,日本自民党首相 田中角荣(kakuei tanaka 对巴西进行了里程碑式的访问,以促进投资交易。

  • Only one month ago Marcus Tulio Tanaka of Japan acted like a child on the playing field .

    就在月前, 田中斗笠王还在球场上耍孩子脾气。

  • But we maintain that Kisho Tanaka set up and executed the entire operation .

    但我们认为是 田中设计并操作了整件事。

  • Tanaka : I suppose that means that for all practical purposes the Fed controls the state chartered banks too .


  • Dr Tanaka is currently overseeing the first field trials of a blue rose developed by Suntory 's subsidiary Florigene .

    三得利的子公司Florigene培育的蓝色玫瑰开始了首次野外栽培试验, 田中博士正在对试验密切观察。

  • Tanaka : What is meant by the term Federal Reserve System ?


  • But if Yoshi Tanaka a researcher at Suntory a Japanese drinks company has his way that will soon change .

    今年情人节送出的所有蓝色玫瑰还将是染成的,但如果日本三得利(Suntory)饮品公司专家田中良(Yoshi Tanaka 能够如愿以偿,情况就会很快得到改变。

  • Right . And Tanaka is very popular surname we put our surname first in Japan .

    是一个在日本很常见的 。我们日本人把姓放在名的前面。

  • Former Vice Foreign Minister Hitoshi Tanaka is among those who have lost patience with him .

    前副外相 田中仁是对菅直人首相失去耐性的人之一。

  • For the sake of transparency we need their help Mr Tanaka said .


  • Boss tanaka ! What 's the meaning of this outburst ?

    田中老大!你这疯狂的 举动是什么意思?

  • China understands the issues said Mr Tanaka referring to the strategic use of stockpiles in reducing OPEC 's influence over prices and in countering supply crunches .

    在谈到通过石油储备的战略运用来减少石油输出国组织的价格影响力和应对供应危机时, 田中伸男表示:中国明白这些问题。

  • Yasumichi Tanaka sells fish at one of Japan 's busiest fish markets .

    田中恭通(Yasumichi Tanaka 在日本一个最繁忙的鱼市卖鱼。

  • Pitcher Tanaka not wanting to strain his injured shoulder is not playing his best .

    田中投手 顾忌受伤的肩,发挥得不好。

  • Hi good morning Mr Tanaka . How are you ?

    早上好, 田中先生,您好吗?

  • Yoshikazu Tanaka the33-year-old boss of Gree a mobile-gaming company whose listing made him reputedly the youngest billionaire in Asia believes this is because many are too complacent .

    手机游戏公司“格力”的上市,让它33岁的老总 田中义一成为了亚洲最年轻的亿万富翁。他认为罪魁祸首是自满心理。

  • Mr Tanaka said the IEA was in close contact with China about its plans already in train to build a 30-day petroleum stockpile .


  • Mr. Tanaka wants to buy into our company .


  • Mr Tanaka added : In many ways they the Chinese w_2183 are already working closely with us . But we wish eventually they would join us .


  • Since she came into office everyone knew that Makiko Tanaka would not be an average foreign minister .

    任职以来,所有人都认为 田中真纪子不会是一位寻常的外务大臣。

  • Reports about Tanaka suddenly came out recently accusing her of misusing the salary given to her parliament assistants .

    最近 日本 媒体突然 爆出有关 田中的报导,指她滥用政府发给她的国会助理的薪水。

  • Japan has just 50 military personnel in peacekeeping operations mainly in the Golan Heights on the Israeli-Syrian border according to Hitoshi Tanaka a former senior diplomat now at the Japan Centre for international exchange .

    日本前高级外交官、现供职于日本国际交流中心(japancentreforinternationalexchange 田中均(hitoshi tanaka 表示,日本现在仅有50名军事维和人员,主要驻扎在以色列叙利亚边界的戈兰高地。