talking point


  • The talking point of the game saw England being denied an equalising goal just minutes after when a Frank Lampard shot from 20 metres hit the crossbar before bouncing down over the line .

    关于本场比赛,值得一 的是,就在英格兰改写比分为1-2后几分钟,兰帕德20米开外的一脚劲射击中对方大门横梁,并且反弹后越过了球门线。

  • Even when you are not sure how to pronounce some of the words you can always show the book to the person you are talking to and point to the phrase or sentence you want to say .

    甚至于当你有些字不确定怎麽发音的时候,你可比把书拿给你正在 对谈的人看, 给他看你想说的片语或句子。

  • I mean I 'm not talking to you from the point of view of just wishful thinking or imaginary craziness .

    我的意思是,我并不只是在所谓的“满怀希望的思考”这个 角度讨论 问题,或者所谓的“想象力”甚至“疯狂执着”。

  • This commitment will also be a big talking point at the next annual UN summit due to start in Durban on November28th .

    由于11月28日德班举行气候大会迫在眉急,这份承诺在下一年度的联合国首脑会议上也将成为 谈论 热点

  • No one in the administration is talking about a second stimulus at this point . Those were the words of Rob Nabors deputy director of the White House 's Office of Management and Budget .

    罗伯• 纳伯斯 白宫管理与预算办公室副主任。

  • However when it came to the media 's attention it quickly became a major talking point in the education circles .

    之后却得到媒体的关注,使它迅速成为教育界的热门 话题

  • That painting is a good talking point .

    那幅画是个好 话题

  • Just a week after the dollar hit its lowest level for 10 months the main talking point in FX markets is whether the US currency is about to strengthen .

    就在一周前,美元汇率刚刚触及10个月 低点,而目前外汇市场的主要 话题是:美元是否将要走强。

  • But a handful of homeowners around the world seem interested in bringing them back either for their old purpose as an added layer of security or simply like 19th-century follies as a talking point .

    但是全球还是有少数拥有自己房子的人,似乎对重建密室很感兴趣要么是出于要增加一层安全保障的古老目的,要么就像19世纪的讽刺剧一样,就是为了当一个 谈资

  • This time the listeners have their go in Talking Point and I for one won 't miss that !

    这一次听众们有机会参加《 热点 话题》这个栏目,我当然不会错过。

  • The main talking point at the conference was fishing rights .

    大会的主要 议题是渔业权。

  • Say what you like about Google Glass it 's certainly proved a talking point .

    说一说你对谷歌眼镜的看法,这无疑是一个 讨论 热点

  • Another talking point with the CEO and top execs is goals for the upcoming year .

    另一个与首席执行官和高层 谈论 话题是新年目标。

  • He 's not talking at this point .

    他没 谈到

  • Bedding in the above two parts the second part starts talking about the tax-planning point of each plan .

    在以上两部分的铺垫下,第三部分开始 具体介绍商品劳务税纳税筹划的每一个筹划

  • When talking about business models her basic point was that we have yet to properly value networks based on their social value .

    讨论商业模式时,她的基本 论点是,我们仍然在社交价值的基础上,恰当地评估社会化网络的价值。

  • But at least people are talking which is a good starting point for correcting misconceptions and changing the narrative .

    但至少人们正在 谈论 讨论这件 ,就纠正错误观念,、改变叙事方式 而言,这是一个很好的 起点

  • So essentially we were asked to tackle what happens with iPhone apps I 'm talking to this question from the same point about such as line products not a single product .

    因此,我们实际上收到要求,要解决iPhone的应用技术,我 讨论此问题时所处的 角度和,流水线产品,而不是单一产品相仿。

  • In any case whatever one makes of those examples Machiavelli seems to be challenging important aspects of the classical conceptions that we 've been talking about up to this point .

    不管人们如何理解这些例子,马基雅维利似乎正在挑战,我们 至此一直 讨论着的古典概念的,重要方面。

  • China 's foreign exchange reserves exceed $ 1000bn the world 's largest and the possibility that global central banks might diversify their vast foreign currency reserves away from the dollar has become a big talking point in foreign exchange markets .

    中国的外汇储备已超过1万亿美元,居全球之首。而各国央行可能将巨额外汇储备多元化,从美元转向其它货币资产,这已成为外汇市场一个 议论纷纷 话题

  • It 's bound to be the main talking point during discussions between the Prime Minister and the President .

    这必然会成为首相和总统之间讨论的主要 话题

  • Instead there is a lot of talking and more to the point listening .

    相反,届时会有大量 讨论,或更 确切 ,是倾听。

  • Jarno Trulli wasn 't the only driver whose helmet because a big talking point over the Italian Grand Prix with Rubens Barrichello attracting a fair bit of interest with his new lid .

    特鲁利君不是在 蒙扎围场里唯一一个因为头盔被人 谈论的同学,巴里切罗的新涂装也同样引起了人们的注意。

  • Talking about the weakness point out the areas for improvement in a specific way . Don 't say I think you did not do a good job .

    至于缺点,明确 指出演讲者可以改善的部份,千万别说:「我觉得你的演讲糟透了!」

  • On a trip to Ukraine Georgia was the main talking point as Britain 's Foreign Secretary met with President Yushchenko and others .

    英国外交大臣米利班德访问乌克兰期间,格鲁吉亚 问题是他跟乌克兰总统尤先科等官员会谈的主要 议题

  • Origin Must be Dredged To Let Water Run Far Away & Talking About the Starting Point of State owned Enterprises Reform

    欲其流远必浚其源& 国有企业改革的 起点