



  • The collapse of construction sent the economy into a tailspin while plunging home prices left many people owing more than their houses were worth .

    建筑物的坍塌使得爱尔兰的经济 陷入 极度 紊乱 之中,而房价的直线下跌又让许多房主 不抵债。

  • Update-Forgot to add Tailspin and Embrace of the Shale Spider to the hunter pet abilities the % value on Embrace of the Shale Spider is obviously a bug .

    更新-忘记补充“尾 ”和“页岩蜘蛛的拥抱”的猎人宠物技能,“页岩蜘蛛的拥抱”其%的数值显然是一个错误。

  • After a hot argument with his wife Mr. Chang went into a tailspin .

    张先生与妻子激烈争吵后 失去 理智

  • For their part the designers gain access to the best factories improve the delivery times of their collections and remove the cash flow crunch that has thrown many emerging fashion businesses into a tailspin .

    由于它们的参与,设计师们得以进入最好的工厂,缩短作品的交付时间,消除了让很多新兴时装企业 黯然 消逝的现金流压力。

  • The woman went into a tailspin after her husband died .

    那位妇人 丈夫死后 精神崩溃了。

  • Even though bankers ' last foray into securitisation pushed global economies into a tailspin following the collapse of the subprime mortgage market they have not given up on these types of investments .

    尽管银行家最近一次进军证券化领域,导致全球经济在次贷市场崩盘后 陷入 失控 状态,但他们并未放弃此类投资。

  • In the event these firms enter a tailspin as they did a few short years ago it is clear there is potential for real consequences not just to the firms themselves but for the system as a whole .

    假如这些公司像几年前一样 陷入 严重 危机,显然要承担真正后果的不仅是这些公司,还有整个金融体系。

  • Her recent divorce has sent her into an emotional tailspin .

    她最近离婚后,情绪 极度 低落

  • French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy whose celebrity romance with President Nicolas Sarkozy sent his ratings into a tailspin is proving a hit with the public in her new role a poll showed Sunday .

    上周日公布的一项民调显示,法国新任第一夫人卡拉•布吕尼-萨科齐时下人气大涨,而总统尼古拉斯•萨科齐则因 大搞名人恋,导致其民众支持率一 下滑。

  • The financial crisis that sent many economies into a tailspin also had a major impact on migration flows around the world .

    令许多经济体陷入 困境的金融危机还对世界各地的人口迁徙产生了重大影响。

  • Such a change in strategy is happening today in those eurozone countries that have been caught up in the tailspin of the crisis .

    那些曾 深陷危机 恐慌的欧元区国家,如今正在上演这样的战略变革。

  • All eyes are on Washington to pull the world out of its economic tailspin .

    所有的目光都关注华盛顿, 关注它把世界拖出经济 失控 状态

  • Their economies whose financial systems proved largely immune to contagion from the virulent disease that spread around capital markets continued to hold up relatively well while the US and Europe went into a tailspin .

    在美国和欧洲 陷入 衰退 ,金砖四国经济保持相对良好,它们的金融体系基本上没有受到资本市场蔓延的致命疾病的感染。

  • The result is that now with share prices in a tailspin the market is awash with rumours about new government measures to boost the index .

    结果,随着股价 跳水,市场上充斥着政府将采取新措施推高股指的传言。

  • A forecast to tumbling profits at COMPAQ Computer sent the stock market into a tailspin yesterday particularly the over-the-counter market .

    预测Compaq电脑公司利润下降的 消息 使昨天股票市场一 下跌,尤以店头交易为

  • The passage of the legislation is seen as essential to avoid a renewed tailspin in world financial markets which reached the verge of meltdown last week before recovering as news of the plan emerged .

    该立法的通过,被视为对避免全球金融市场的再度 混乱至关重要。全球金融市场上周曾濒临崩盘边缘,但在上述计划的消息传出后出现反弹。

  • Funding costs for the mortgage financiers remained high elevated interest rates on the loans they guarantee did not budge investors particularly abroad continued to shun their paper and their stock prices not only failed to revive but went into a tailspin .

    这两家抵押贷款金融机构的融资成本仍较高,所担保贷款的利率仍居高不下,投资者(尤其是海外投资者)对它们的证券仍避 唯恐 不及,它们的股价非但无力反弹,反而继续 下跌

  • The growing conviction in the markets that the Fed might be preparing for a pause sent the dollar into a tailspin this week .

    越来越多的市场人士认为,美联储可能准备暂停 加息,这一 看法促使美元上周 跌。

  • The FTSE All-World Emerging Index yesterday reached 433.2 in late London trade a level last seen the week before Lehman 's demise sent markets into a tailspin .

    昨日伦敦市场尾盘,富时环球新兴市场指数(FTSEall-WorldEmergingIndex)达到 433.2点,为雷曼倒闭导致全球股市暴跌前一周的水平。

  • The immediate task facing governments and central banks is to pull the world economy out of its tailspin .

    各国政府和央行所面临的紧迫任务是,让世界经济摆脱 困境

  • Do not lose your peace of mind over stock market unless the markets go into a tailspin .

    不要失去你的心态平和了股票市场,除非市场陷入 困境