take precedence of

[tek ˈprɛsɪdəns ʌv][teik ˈpresɪdəns ɔv]


  • The Porsche system tester instructions take precedence and in the event of a discrepancy these are the instructions that must be followed .


  • Economic problems must take precedence of other questions .

    经济问题 首要问题处理。

  • In view of this IO based tunings by Hibernate and the IO part of underlying systems should take precedence over CPU and memory based tunings by GC and the CPU and memory part of underlying systems .

    这种基于IO的Hibernate调优与底层系统IO部分的调优 应该 优先 基于CPU和内存的底层系统GC、CPU和内存部分的调优。

  • This push to exert us sovereignty by insisting that its laws should take precedence over those of other countries is not new .

    这种通过坚持美国法律 优先 他国法律而将美国主权强加于人的做法并不新鲜。

  • In this respect partisanship must not take precedence over the national interests of the people of the United States .

    在这方面,党派不能 凌驾 美国人民利益之上。

  • Dont let the phone interruptions or other work take precedence over the person sitting front of you .

    别让电话、其他人或其他工作 优先 坐在你面前的这个人。

  • The opinion of the UI team as to the quality of the build must take precedence over that of the services team .

    UI团队对于构建版本质量的意见 服务团队的 意见 重要

  • Substance must always take precedence over style but poorly presented content runs the risk of confusing the users it was meant ( often at great expense ) to serve .

    实质必须始终 优先 形式,但是表示上欠佳的内容具有风险,可能导致用户对内容预期要达到(通常是以很大的代价)的目的感到混淆。

  • The physician 's own clinical findings and judgment take precedence in the interpretation of laboratory data .

    医生自己的临床观察和诊断 优先 实验室诊断结果。

  • Taking the opportunity of economic crisis conservative-liberalism started to take precedence in the argument on state of nation with new liberalism .

    以经济危机为契机,保守自由主义与新自由主义在国家观论争中开始 占据主动。

  • Correct quality and condition of coat is to take precedence over quantity of coat .

    正确的被毛品质和样式, 单纯 被毛数量 重要

  • The information derived from the SAML assertions is to take precedence over that passed as immediate attributes of the control object .

    取自SAML断言的信息 优先 通过控制对象属性传递的信息。

  • The danger here is that because this group controls the guide their needs will take precedence over the needs of the longer-term users .

    风险是:这类用户控制着规范,他们的需求可能 优先 其他的所有人员。

  • Concerns over the costs to industry of pollution control often take precedence over the internalization of the social costs of pollution .

    人们 首先 考虑的往往是污染管制行业的成本,而 不是污染的社会成本的内在

  • This right take precedence of the ordinary hypothecation but when it occurs conflict with the claim of advance sales of commercial housing the contractor can not be permitted to exercise the priority to repayment authority in construction project .

    此权利 优先 一般抵押权,但在与预售商品房请求权发生冲突时,应不允许承包人行使建设工程优先受偿权。

  • The Duke of Shoreditch wanted to take precedence and sit at the head of the table holding that he outranked a minister who represented merely a nation and not a monarch ;

    绍勒迪希公爵想出人头地,要 首席,他说他的 地位高过公使,因为公使只是一个国家、而不是一个王朝的代表;

  • In addition and beside all this as it was no longer revolution and had become a monarchy 1830 was obliged to take precedence of all Europe .

    此外,在对外方面, 一八三○既已不是革命,并且变成了君主制,它便非跟着欧洲 不可。

  • Those deemed to pose a threat to life take precedence but these days there are so many of them that MI5 has to decide which threat to life appears to be the most acute .

    那些认为遭到“生命威胁”的人 主导 地位,然而这些天,这种人太多了以至于军情五处不得不判定哪个生命威胁看起来更严重。

  • For public folders expiration dates take precedence over the length of time set by your administrator .

    对于公用文件夹,到期日期 优先 管理员设置的期限。

  • The unfinished business of yesterday must take precedence of new business .

    昨天 未了的事必须 今天的 事先

  • The results showed that the formation of CaS take precedence of the decomposition of CaSO_4 and CO concentration have no influence to the information of CaS . but low CO concentration could bring the decomposition of CaSO_4 forward and reduce the conversion rate .

    结果表明:CaS的生成反应 优先 CaSO4的分解反应,CO浓度改变对CaS生成过程的影响不大,但低浓度CO会导致CaSO4的分解反应提前,CaS的转化率也略低。

  • These are questions which take precedence of all others .

    这些都是 应该 优先 考虑的问题。