take a beating

[tek e ˈbitɪŋ][teik ei ˈbi:tɪŋ]


  • How can one not be amazed by Wade 's ability to take a beating and yet still manage to carry a team on his back ?

    你怎能不惊奇 韦德德能力&在 经受打击后韦德依然能够一肩扛起整支球队?

  • From scuffed-up feet to dry scaly skin on your legs elbows and arms our bodies can take a beating .

    从受磨损的双脚到双腿、手肘和手臂上干燥的鳞状皮肤,我们的身体真 备受 折磨

  • I hope he doesn 't take a beating .

    我希望他别 赔钱

  • When that starts to feed through Greek corporates could take a more severe beating .

    当这些问题开始发挥影响的时候,希腊企业可能 遭受 为沉重的 打击

  • I know some gangs in the area get their new recruits take people off the streets give them a beating .

    我知道有些帮派招新人时, 人从街上抓来,打上

  • You can take a similar approach to beating the player who has your number .

    你可以 采取同样的策略来 击败那些对你知根知底的家伙。

  • In the short run global oil demand growth will likely take a further beating as banks continue to cut credit to consumers and corporations Mr Blanch said adding that oil prices were likely to hit a floor in the first half of next year .

    布兰奇称:短期内,随着银行继续减少消费者和企业信贷,全球石油需求增长将 可能进一步 下降。他补充称,油价可能在明年上半年触底。

  • In the coming ' Transformers 4 ' the city of Hong Kong is set to take a beating .

    尚处于拍摄过程的《变形金刚4》( Transformers4)中,香港这个城市将会 遭到 打击

  • Whether it succeeds or fails US financial markets would take a beating and the real economy jobs included would suffer damage .

    此举无论成败,都 冲击美国金融市场,包括就业在内的实体经济将因此受损。

  • His record will take a lot of beating .

    他创的纪录 打破

  • Sectors such as tourism hospitality and transport were obvious candidates to take a beating when trade resumed market watchers said .

    市场观察人士称,股市重开后,旅游、医院和运输等行业显然 首当其冲 遭受 重创

  • Incautiously must take a beating by own son .


  • Profits at Chinese insurers are already expected to take a beating this year as they struggle to match the spectacular gains they made from their investments in the mainland Chinese stock market which rose around 97 per cent last year .

    市场本已预计,中国保险公司今年的利润 受到 打击,因为它们难以与其在中国内地股市的巨额投资收益相媲美。中国股市去年上涨约97%。