take delight in

[tek dɪˈlaɪt ɪn][teik diˈlait in]


  • Anyone with eyes can take delight in a face or a flower .

    任何目 欣赏 面容和鲜花

  • Take delight in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart .

    又要 耶和华为 ,他就将你心里所求的赐给你。

  • He seemed to take great delight in embarrassing me .

    他似乎 我难堪

  • Even if he directs his thought to the happiest sort of life and existence or to the most pleasant and desirable objects his mind will not take delight in them will find no satisfaction in them .

    即使他把心导向最快乐的生命或存在,或者导向最愉悦、最惬意的所缘,他的心也不会 喜悦,也不会觉得 如意

  • Students love to combine to take delight in participating to the music music activity but suffer to come home the court school social restrict ;

    学生对音乐喜欢,并 乐于 参与音乐活动,但却受到家庭、学校、社会的限制。

  • Does she take delight in swimming in a river ?


  • You take great delight in clever and creative works and in games .

    需要 运用到聪明才智与创造力的工作、游戏 感到 愉快

  • Just take a delight in me be happy with me and you will absorb .

    只是 我身上 汲取 快乐,快乐地与我在一起,你将汲取。

  • Their relationship has long been noticed by people who take delight in talking about the combination of Poems and music .

    人们早就注意到了二者的亲缘关系,并 津津乐道 诗乐 合璧 审美 理想

  • Will he take delight in the ruler of all and make his prayer to God at all times ?

    他岂 全能者 ,随时求告神呢?

  • The singing method has always been the theme about which people take delight in talking in vocal music community with the opinions on it varying .

    关于歌唱的方法,一直是声乐界所 津津乐道的话题,并且众说纷纭。

  • As for ( to ) me I take great delight in gardening .

    我而言,我大大 喜欢园艺。

  • During the periods of Ming and Qing Chinese society appears some reforming indications the intellectuals take delight in studying west science .

    明清之际中国社会出现了某些变革迹象,知识分子也 乐于研习西方科学。

  • They ask me for righteous judgments ; they take delight in approaching god .

    他们向我求问公义的判语, 喜爱亲近神。

  • You impudent upstart . I shall take great delight in dispatching you myself .

    你这个厚颜无耻的暴发户,如果能亲自消灭你,我 高兴

  • I take delight in cooking .


  • You take delight in vexing me .

    故意叫我气恼, 你自己得意吧。

  • If you get at the truth of a case have compassion and so not take delight in it .

    如果了解到犯罪的真情,就应当 哀怜他们,同情他们,而不要自鸣得意。

  • For he has said it is no profit to a man to take delight in god .

    他说,人 ,总是无益。

  • The research shows that primary school English affective teaching has following characteristics : Lit can effectively foster the primary school English beginners ' interests in English active attitudes towards English improve the pupils ' English learning results and make them take delight in learning English .

    本研究表明,小学英语情感教学有以下特点:1、培养小学英语初学者学习英语的积极态度,使他们 学英语、 学英语、 学英语;

  • Political revolution is a result of political socialization in modern society stability of political socialization has a close relationship with political socialization so it has become the topic that many contemporary western political scholars take delight in talking about .

    现代社会政治革命 某种意义上来说就是政治社会化的结果,政治社会的稳定与政治社会化也有莫大的关联,因此,对于政治社会化的研究成为当代西方政治学者 津津乐道的课题。

  • We should never take delight in others'failures .

    我们不应该对别人的失败而 幸灾乐祸

  • Our children take delight in reading picture-books .

    我们的孩子 喜欢 连环画。

  • People are accustomed to take delight in talking about his experience and background . They overemphasize impact of the experience on his criticism or falsity of the experience or even fall into determinism of experience while appraising value of his criticism .

    人们习惯于对他的经验背景 津津乐道,或过分强调经验对其批评的影响作用,或过分强调经验的虚伪性,甚至陷入批评价值的经验决定论。

  • The Cainozoic Era writers not only take delight in observing the living world from body angle but also introduce this angle of view into historical reflection .

    新生代小说家不仅 乐于从身体的角度观察当下的生活世界,而且还把这一视角引入到历史反思之中。

  • Savoring tea is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea but also allows pelple to take delight in the drinking-tea itself .

    “品茶”不但是鉴别茶的优劣,也带有深思遐想和 领略饮茶 情趣之意。

  • Those who take delight in other people 's pain will suffer retribution sooner or later .

    快乐 建立 别人痛苦 之上的人迟早要受到报应的。

  • I fully agree to the arrangement and take delight in it take it with delight w_16 .

    我完全赞成并 乐于接受这一安排。