task priority

[tæsk praɪˈɔrɪti][tɑ:sk praiˈɔriti]


  • The real-time performance is improved by establishing a real-time task queue and executing a task rotation priority scheduling algorithm .

    通过建立实时任务队列和执行 任务轮转 优先 调度算法来改进实时性能;

  • In some cases selecting the task is looked at as a wasted step since the person might need to always select the newest task highest priority or by some other sorting method .

    在某些情况下,选择任务是多余的步骤,因为用户可能总是要选择最新的 任务优先级最高的 任务,或者按其他排序方法选择 任务

  • The execution order of task is determined by both task priority and its scheduling policy priority .

    任务的执行顺序由其调度策略 优先级 任务 优先级共同决定。

  • As a embedded real-time kernel based on task priority μ C / OS-II has been mainly used in the minitype embedded application . It has many virtues such as small size stabile performance and free .

    μC/OS-II是面向中小型应用、基于 优先级的可剥夺嵌入式实时内核,其特点是小巧、性能稳定、免费公开源代码。

  • The bottleneck resources are identified by the calculation of the real-time capacities of resources . A task priority algorithm is proposed to make the sequence of tasks in the bottleneck resources .

    通过计算实时资源能力,识别出瓶颈资源,设置了基于 任务 优先级的瓶颈资源任务 优先级排序算法。

  • An Integrated Design Method of Task Priority

    一种 任务 优先级的综合设计方法

  • Every local APIC has a programmable task priority register ( TPR ) which is used to compute the priority of the currently running process .

    每个局部APIC有一个TPR寄存器(可编程 任务 优先级寄存器),它用来计算当前运行进程的优先级。

  • Before . NET writing automation was often a very resource-intensive task and test automation especially UI test automation was often relegated to the bottom of the product task priority list .

    在.NET之前,编写自动化通常是一个很耗资源的任务,而测试自动化(特别是UI测试自动化)通常被置于产品 任务 优先级列表的最底层。

  • It makes use of fuzzy sets for describing uncertain characteristic parameters multilevel fuzzy synthetic decision and the principle of maximum membership function for determining task priority level an algorithm which makes multilevel decision model dynamically for decreasing invalidation ratio of judging task priority level .

    利用模糊集合来描述任务的不确定性特征;使用多层模糊综合评判和最大隶属度原理来综合 考虑任务的多个特征参数并确定 任务 优先级

  • Attitude control based on task priority for nonholonomic redundancy space robots

    非完整冗余空间机器人 任务 优先级姿态控制

  • This article focuses on system layer ( including HAL ) and the functional layer giving the design and implementation of each module . First the design difficulty rests on the design of task priority and task scheduling .

    本文重点从系统层(包括硬件逻辑抽象层)和功能层两个层面给出各个模块的设计与实现。本文设计中的难点首先在 任务 优先级设计和任务调度上。

  • Implementation of Searching Algorithm of the Ready Task and Priority Inversion in Embedded RTOS

    嵌入式RTOS中就绪 任务查找算法和 优先级反转的解决方案

  • Through to compare and choose the task priority improve police Agent for the completion of important tasks of cooperation for more efficiency .

    通过对 任务 优先级的比较和选择,提高多警察Agent对紧急任务的合作完成效率。

  • Now a task of top priority is to build an academic ideology of college academic evaluation protecting its objectiveness justice and effectiveness by an innovation of the system .


  • In considering the condition that linkages between the task and priority case it introduces the partition and design of task on the application microcomputer procedures based on μ C / OS-II platform .

    在考虑 任务间的联系和 优先级情况下,详细研究微机保护系统的应用程序在μC/OS-II平台上任务的划分和设计。

  • Its success transplant allows the user no longer must worry about memory allocation only need to create a task priority can be .

    它的成功移植,可以使用户不必再去关心内存的分配,只需要根据 优先级创建 任务就可以。

  • The optional task accepting control module in ARTs-OS has two functions one is task priority allocation another is task set schedulability analysis .

    ARTs-OS可选的任务接纳控制模块负责为 任务分派 优先级和对任务集进行可调度性分析。

  • After that the preliminary design of CMC software is discussed which makes an exhaustive study on requirement analysis software architecture design task partitioning task scheduling task priority allocation intertask communication mechanism and watch dog timer .

    接着,进行了软件的概要设计,从需求分析、软件架构设计、任务划分、任务调度、 任务 优先级 确定、任务间通信机制、看门狗机制等几个方面进行了详细阐述。

  • A task of top priority for us is to plant trees as many as possible especially in the arid areas .

    我们 首要 任务就是尽可能多地植树造林,尤其是在那些干旱荒芜地区。

  • Their application is a task of top priority after solving the problems of radiance correction and calibration .

    在解决了前期的辐射校正及定标等问题以后,超谱图像的推广应用是 当务之急

  • In contrast a larger value in the uC / OS-II represents a lower task priority and Numerical value 0 is defined as the highest priority .

    而uC/OS-II与此规定相反,较大数值的 任务 优先级较低,数值0被定义为最高优先级。

  • Give your task full priority .

    你的 任务有全部 优先

  • In without police center how to carry out tasks a task priority cooperation method is put forward .

    针对在无警察中心的情况下如何进行任务合作,提出一种基于 任务 优先级的合作方法。

  • A novel scheduling scheme called Two-Dimensional Priority Real-Time Scheduling ( TDPRTS ) is proposed for open systems . This scheme not only sets task priority but also sets scheduling policy priority .

    提出了一种新的用于开放式系统的调度机制,即二维优先级实时调度,它不仅划分 任务 优先级,还划分调度策略优先级。

  • To solve it a priority mapping algorithm and necessary and sufficient conditions for analyzing the schedulability of a task after priority mapping are needed .

    解决这一问题需要减少时间复杂度的映射算法和判定映射后 任务可调度性的充分必要条件主要存在3种映射算法:(1)按照 任务 优先级递减 顺序进行映射的DPA(decreasingpriorityassignment)算法;

  • According to the nature and function of each task is different they are given different interrupt priority and task priority to ensure that the system has good real-time performance .

    根据各个任务的性质与功能不同,赋予了它们不同的中断优先级和 任务 优先级,保证了系统具有良好的实时性能。

  • Target Task Priority and Mode of Modern Agriculture in China

    关于中国发展现代农业的道路与目标 任务 思考

  • Evaluation of sensor task priority using fuzzy reasoning approach based on all of fused trajectories and identified data by means of a symbolic reasoning system determined the priority of each surveillance task during the decision cycle .

    应用模糊推理技术的传感器 任务 优先级评价方法,基于所有融合航迹和识别数据,通过符号推理确定决策循环过程中执行的每个监视任务的优先级。

  • Task Priority Schedule Algorithm Based on Grid Resource Forecast

    基于网格资源预测的 任务 优先级调度算法