
[tɛkˈniʃiəm, -ʃəm][tekˈni:ʃɪəm]


  • Engineers are currently planning a two-stage ion exchange process to extract radioactive cesium and technetium from the soluble part of the alkaline tank waste .

    工程师目前正在规划一个两阶段离子交换过程,将具有放射性的 与从碱性的废料溶液中萃取出来。

  • Oxygen atom coordinated technetium complexes ⅰ the structure and properties of technetium (ⅴ) compounds with oxygen multidentate ligands

    氧齿配体 配合物Ⅰ.氧多齿配体锝(Ⅴ)配合物的结构及其性质

  • The chemical behaviour of zirconium molybdenum niobium and technetium is observed in the process .

    观察了锆、钼、铌和 形成 界面物过程中的化学行为,在 低于2mol/L的 硝酸 溶液中,钼会 进入 界面物中。

  • Applied value of technetium - ~ ( 99m ) MIBI myocardial resting perfusion imaging in children with kawasaki disease

    ~(99m) Tc-MIBI心肌静息显像在川崎病中的应用价值

  • A review of behaviours of Molybdenum and Technetium is given .

    对钼和 也作了评论。

  • MEASUREMENT OF TECHNETIUM IN THE SPENT FUEL Flammability Analysis of Diesel Vapor by GC-MS

    反应堆 辐照 元件 的测定色质联用研究柴油蒸汽的可燃性

  • Technetium was discovered in certain cool stars .


  • A study on the oxidation states of technetium in ~ ( 99 ) tc-hmdp by pulse polarography

    ~(99)Tc-HMDP中~ 99 Tc的氧化态的脉冲极谱研究

  • Data Warehouse ( DW ) is a kind of technetium technical project that can solves this question it stores the data and manages the resource by the means of traditional DB technology and structure the unified data platform for DSS .

    而数据仓库技术( DW)正是这样一种解决问题的技术方案,它以传统的数据库技术作为存储数据和管理资源的基本手段,面向决策支持系统构建统一的数据平台。

  • In order to look for some geologic materials that can retard technetium and iodine on them .

    为了寻找能阻滞 、碘迂 的地质材料。

  • Purification and 99m Technetium labeling of low density lipoprotein as a targeting carrier of antitumor drugs

    抗癌药物靶向载体低密度脂蛋白的提取和~(99m) 标记

  • Study on solvent extraction behavior of technetium with TBP

    的TBP萃取 化学行为研究

  • Study of sorption of technetium on pyrrhotine


  • Screening of sorption materials for radioiodine and technetium

    吸附放射性碘、 材料的筛选

  • Technetium resembles platinum in appearance and manganese and rhenium in chemical behaviour .


  • The method for technetium was very selective and for ruthenium its decontamination power was high .

    方法对得的选择性高,对钌的 去污能力强。

  • The sorption behaviour of technetium in different soils has been studied by batch experiments under aerobic conditions .

    在有氧条件下,用静态实验法研究了 放射性 核素 ~ 99Tc在各种土壤中的吸附行为,并研究了土壤的特性和土壤 平衡 的pH和 Eh值。

  • Methods In 42 patients with Hp-positive chronic gastritis using nuclide method with technetium sulfide colloid label and 13 CO 2 octanoic Acid Breath Test were used to test the gastric emptying of solids .

    分析幽门螺杆菌与胃排空相关性。方法:用13CO&辛酸呼气试验法和硫化 胶体标记的核素法检测42例HP阳性慢性胃炎患者胃固体排空。

  • Study of technetium chemistry & ⅰ . the general rule of stability for structures of technetium compounds


  • Just as technetium and promethium are islands of instability in parts of the periodic table which are not normally radioactive so many physicists believe that in the unstable part at the bottom there lies an island of stability .

    正如在周期表上本不该有放射性的部分存在着 和钷这样的不稳定元素岛一样,许多物理学家相信,在周期表不稳定的底部区域会有一座稳定元素岛。

  • STUDY OF TECHNETIUM CHEMISTRY ⅱ . application of the cone packing model to TECHNETIUM CHEMISTRY


  • Configuration of five coordinated rhenium and technetium compounds


  • Distribution ratio of technetium between AG1 × 4 anion-exchange resin and exchange aqueous solution containing different concentration of nitrate and nitric acid is determined .

    测定了在不同硝酸根浓度和酸度下,锝在树脂相和水相间的分配比,求出了硝酸根和高 酸根在阴离子交换树脂上的交换 平衡 常数以及高 酸的离解 平衡 常数

  • Objective : To investigate the inhibitory effects of 99 technetium methylenediphosphonate ( 99 Tc-MDP ) injection on bone invasion by walker 256 carcinoma in rats .

    目的:研究99 亚甲基二膦酸盐(99TcMDP)注射液对大鼠骨侵袭的抑制作用。

  • Studies of sorption of radioactive technetium on antimony-containing minerals

    放射性 在含锑矿物上吸附行为和机理的研究

  • Recovery of technetium from spent nuclear fuel reprocessing waste solution by ion exchange method


  • The adsorption research of technetium and iodine in some mineral


  • The work has researched in adsorption and desorption of iodine and technetium on brass ore lead glance rare-earth hematite antimony glance molybdenite and iron pyrites and so on .

    本工作研究了 黄铜矿,方铅矿、稀土赤铁矿,辉锑矿,辉钼矿,黄铁矿等六种矿物对碘和 的吸附和解吸。