technical maintenance

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈmentənəns][ˈteknikəl ˈmeintinəns]


  • Technical code for maintenance of inland river navigation channels Technical specification for maintenance of port facilities

    内河航道 维护技术规范港口设施维护 技术规程

  • Based on their 3 year management experience the authors put forward the view that management of the hospital administration information system has 4 links : technical maintenance management in organization training and guidance and information output .

    总结3年的管理经验,认为对医院管理信息系统的管理可分为 技术 维护、组织管理、培训辅导和信息产出4个环节。

  • Technical maintenance of clients websites ;

    客户网站的 技术 维护

  • Business Scope : design production and marketing of automobile bodies and spare parts providing technical maintenance service .

    公司经营范围:设计、生产和销售汽车车身及其配件,产品 技术 维修服务。

  • Till now there were four stages in the development of technical maintenance after repair beforehand repair daily maintenance and integrated management .

    从20世纪50年代至今,国际上对 设备 管理的研究和实践大约经历了四个阶段:事后 维修阶段、预防维修阶段、生产维修阶段和综合管理阶段。

  • Restructure And Construct Jiangxi Weather Information And Technical Maintenance System

    论江西气象信息与 技术 保障体系改革与建设

  • With maximization and complexity of the rectifiers the fault diagnosis and maintenance of rectifiers become more and more complex . It also has more and more higher requirement for the technical level of maintenance worker .

    随着整流设备的大型化和复杂化,整流设备的故障诊断与日常维护也变得十分复杂,对 现场 维护 技术人员的素质的要求也愈来愈高。

  • Technical specification for maintenance of port facilities Technical code for construction of highway subgrades

    港口设施 维护技术规程公路路基施工 技术规范

  • This article sums up the laws of checkup and maintenance from the special technical service pattern of car rental industry put forward the intelligent management method of technical test and maintenance .

    本文从汽车租赁行业特有的汽车技术服务模式中总结出检测维护规律,借助现代计算机应用技术,提出了汽车 技术检测、 维护 保养的智能化管理的方法。

  • In this paper the author according to the perennial work experience studied on how to establish an system in order to improve the efficiency and the intelligence of the technical equipment maintenance and how to evaluate this thus to do the relevant analysis .

    本文作者结合工作经验,针对如何建立一套高效智能的 技术 人员设备 维护 技能提高系统及如何去评估这种能力做出自己相应的研究分析,并且提出了一套 半导体 设备 维护 技能提高和评估体系。

  • Technical Maintenance of Bulldozer

    浅谈推土机的 技术 保养

  • Based on the importance of technical maintenance and the implement of technical maintenance the paper mainly talks about how to deal with the technical maintenance of the imported planer-type miller in order that it can be in good technical conditions during the constraction period .

    技术 保养的重要性和技术保养工作的实施两方面出发,初步探讨了做好进口铣刨机的技术保养工作,以确保铣刨机在施工期间始终处于良好的技术状态。

  • The vocational graduates majoring in Software Technology could be the software developers software testing engineers database administrators technical support and maintenance staff software sales and promotion staff of these companies .

    主修软件技术的专职毕业生可以在这些外包公司里做软件开发员,软件测试工程师,数据管理员, 技术支持及 维修专员,软件销售人员。

  • Technical maintenance : This can be divided into network management hardware management and software maintenance .

    技术 维护:可分为网络管理、硬件管理和软件维护3个方面。

  • What strategies and technical solutions are to be adopted for China Telecom to ensure rapid and excellent technical support to maintenance departments ?

    中国电信将采用什么策略和技术手段来保障 维护部门能及时得到优质高效的 技术支持?

  • Technical systems of maintenance planning including equipment management equipment monitoring evaluation of equipment service life and equipment maintenance planning etc. were put forward .

    提出了以设备管理、设备监测、设备寿命评估和设备 维修规划等技术为主要内容的维修规划 技术系统;

  • The shortcomings in Chinese standard Technical Specifications for Maintenance of Highway Asphalt Pavement ( JTJ073.2-2001 ) is commented .

    评述了现行《公路沥青路面 养护 技术规范》( JTJ073.22001)中路况评价方法的不足,介绍了物元分析理论;

  • But the technical research for maintenance and service of CT equipment does not catch up with in time the own maintenance technician of hospital is very few to be able to get the opportunity of technical training .

    但是,对CT设备的 维修、维护 技术的研究却没有及时跟上,医院自己的维修人员很少能获得技术培训的机会。

  • Research on Technical Maintenance and Management Methods of Network Laboratory

    网络实验室的 技术 维护与管理方法探讨

  • Dangdang Kewen agrees to use Dangdang Information as its exclusive technical service provider including platform and technical support maintenance and other services .

    当当科文同意雇佣当当信息为其唯一的技术服务提供商,提供包括网络平台、 技术支持、 维护和其他协议。

  • State maintenance is based on state test data to assess equipment health status according to the appropriate maintenance strategy accurate diagnosis and assessment of the health status of the equipment equipment fault diagnosis is the key technical condition maintenance .

    状态检修是根据状态检测数据评估设备健康状况,据此采取相应的检修策略,准确诊断和评估设备的健康状况即设备的故障诊断是状态 检修 技术关键。

  • Application of CORBA in Warship ′ s Remote Technical Maintenance System

    CORBA在舰船远程 技术 保障信息 管理系统中的应用

  • It has a vital role in using these BER testers to analysis network problems for technical support staff maintenance network .

    使用好这些误码设备对 技术支持人员 维护网络和快速分析网络的问题有着至关重要的作用。

  • This article introduces the configuration characteristics and existing problems of the network lab-oratories in universities and discusses their technical maintenance and management methods .

    介绍了我校网络实验室的配置、特点与存在问题,探讨了网络实验室的 技术 维护与管理方法。

  • Technical code for maintenance and strengthening of ancient timber buildings

    古建筑木结构 维护与加固 技术规范

  • Based on his years of experience the author tries to analyze the lubrication management for the main bearings of the ? 2.2 × 6.5m cement mill from the viewpoint of technical maintenance .

    作者试图结合自己多年的工作心得,并从 技术 维护的角度分析Φ2.2m×6.5m水泥磨主轴承的润滑管理。