



  • Another tactic is to take advantage of what a specific operating system may have to offer .

    另一个 策略是利用特定操作系统必须提供的东西。

  • Increasingly in many conflicts sexual violence is also used as a tactic of war .

    在许多冲突中,性暴力还日益被用作一种战争 策略

  • It 's time to try a change of tactic .

    现在是 改弦易辙的时候了。

  • It 's a well-tried tactic to play down public expectations in advance of a superpower summit .

    在超级大国的峰会之前降低公众的期望值是个屡试不爽的 策略

  • I used every weapon and tactic I could think of .

    我用了我能想到的每一种武器和 战术

  • This tactic applies to application and mail servers only .

    这个 策略只适用于应用程序和邮件服务器。

  • This tactic has put a price on Android which Google gives away free .

    这个 策略已经给安卓定了价,虽然谷歌对其是免费的。

  • Fires were started by the prisoners as a diversionary tactic


  • MCCAIN : I 'm afraid Senator Obama doesn 't understand the difference between a tactic and a strategy .

    麦凯恩:我恐怕奥巴马议员不清楚一个( 局部战术和一个(全局性)战略的区别。

  • This consideration strategy tactic question is not simple consoles oneself that simply .

    这就得考虑战略 战术问题,不是简单的自我安慰那么简单。

  • Byron remembered this tactic from submarine school exercises off New London .

    拜伦还记得在新伦敦外边海面上潜艇学校演习时的这一 战术

  • Employing IM to start and stop people when using this tactic can be effective too .

    应用这个 策略时,使用即时消息工具来让人们开始或停止 发言,也是个很有效的实践。

  • In 1958 one frustrated animal importer tried a different tactic .

    1958年,一个饱受挫折的动物进口商采取了不同的 策略

  • Information Security in Informatization : Positioning and Building tactic

    信息化建设中信息安全的定位和构筑 策略

  • They used this kind of scare tactic when I was growing up .

    在我小的时候,他们用过这种 吓唬人的 办法

  • He pressed on in the hope that a few others would join him . The tactic paid off .

    他硬着头皮干下去,希望能有几个人加入进来。这 一招 奏效了。

  • Managers who want to master the method and tactic of resolving conflict .

    需要掌握正确处理冲突方法和 策略的职业经理人。

  • I dare say it 's just a business tactic .

    我敢说这只是 谷歌的一项商业 策略

  • It 's just a stall tactic .

    这只是个拖延 战术

  • When facing this tactic you should make a firm decision not to accept it .

    当面对这种 策略是,你应该做一个动摇的决定而不是接收它。

  • The Framework and Tactic of Information System in Customer Complaint Management

    用户抱怨管理信息系统的框架和 策略研究

  • Their favorite tactic in open battle involved provoking an attack and scattering as the enemy came forward .

    他们在广漠战场上最喜欢使用的 策略包括激怒敌方出击,和在敌军向前冲锋时四处散开。

  • Echolocation is a highly technical and interesting tactic .

    回声定位是一项具有高度技术性和趣味性的 手段

  • What sort of tactics will the President use to rally the people behind him ?

    总统会用什么样的 策略把人们号召起来支持他呢?

  • According to Dell using drawings as a sales tactic is against company policy .

    据戴尔介绍,使用抽奖作为销售 策略违背了公司政策。

  • The tactic could well help invigorate a struggling campaign .


  • This tactic epitomizes speed and maneuverability over brute armor .

    这个 战术概括起来就是速度和机动性超越厚装甲。

  • This is the tactic many use at present .

    后者正是目前许多 公司采用的 策略

  • This is a standard monopolistic tactic used to enter a new market-drive the price down ( in this case to $ 0 ) and kill off the competition .

    这是一个标准的垄断 手段进入了一个新的市场-驱动器的价格下降(在这种情况下,以$0)和杀死的竞争。