


  • The relation between different packaging materials and customer 's emotional appeal and the skin texture structure and tactility characteristic of different material was introduced .

    反映了不同 触感的包装材料对人们消费心理产生不同的影响。

  • The treated fabric show delicate color and soft tactility .

    本工艺加工的织物手感柔软,色泽 柔和

  • Research on Robotic Tactility and Recognition System

    机器人 触觉识别系统的研究

  • On this base a pneumatic device for rebuilding the tactility is designed that can truly reflect the tactility of a finger in the dimension of point line and area .

    在此基础之上, 最终设计出了能够 真实地反映出点、线以及面 触感的气动 触觉 感知 再现装置。

  • While the researches of ecological security had no complete formational system yet they were lacking of repeatability and tactility .

    生态安全研究则尚未形成体系,无论 基于 国家 层面 区域 层面的生态安全研究均缺乏工作的可重复性和 延展性。

  • In view of the line and surface tactility displayed by the pneumatic nozzle array a fluid-structure coupled finite element model of the finger skin and nozzle was established .

    针对气动喷嘴阵列 喷气 再现 线面 触觉问题,建立手指皮肤和喷嘴的流固耦合有限元模型。

  • The soft and elastic blue glial innovation of material tactility gentleness the biggest advantage is not easy to be damaged .

    采用柔软而富弹性的蓝色胶质的创新质料, 触感轻柔,最大的好处是不易破损。

  • Even just a layer of flimsy crust but the tactility is flinty

    即使只是层脆弱的外壳,但 上去总是坚硬的

  • Apperceiving shape of object and two-point distance showed heating-system had little influence to tactility .

    感知物体形状和距离表明加热片对 感知感觉的影响较小。

  • As the main core of the food package the aspects of vision tactility smell taste or even hearing of the foods can show unique expressions of arts .

    食品作为食品包装的主体,其视觉、 触觉、嗅觉、味觉甚至听觉感受方面都具有独特的艺术表现性。

  • The experimental results show that the compound quality improver could not only retard the aging therefore prolong the shelf life of sticky rice products but also improve their texture and tactility .

    试验结果表明:该品质改良剂不仅能够显著延缓糕 的老化回生,延长 的货架期,而且能够改善糕 的组织结构和 口感

  • We were able to walk around and feel the tactility of the subtle details like the mist the light the play of the color on the rock and the complex tones that came through .

    我们可以四处走走并用 触觉 感知那些微妙的细节,比如薄雾、灯光、岩石颜色的变化还有迎面的回声。

  • It is concluded that the liquid penetrating time greatly decreases and the tactility soft and antistatic properties have been improved while the mechanical properties have been slightly changed .

    经处理后的非织造 的透水时间大大缩短,其 透气性、抗静电性和柔软性都得到明显的改善,而机械性能基本不变。

  • Cezanne regained the tactility which emphasized by classical painting furthermore had the new characters of his own .

    塞尚重拾古典绘画中 触觉性这一传统并且有自己新 突破

  • The former includes surface and appearance identification luster identification tactility identification and percussing sound identification .

    前者包括表面形貌观察、表面色泽观察、表面 触感观察、敲击声音观察;

  • The unique perceptual ideas rational thinking combined with fine process technology of specialization comfortable tactility noble character in the snow cherry high-quality perfect show .

    独特的感性创意,细密的理性思考,结合专精的工艺技术,让舒适的 触感、高贵的质感在樱雪的精品中,完美展现。

  • A Assembly Machine Hand Controlled by-Pneumatic Tactility

    气动 触觉控制的装配机械手

  • By touching and communicating with their mothers children become more self-aware develop their tactility more quickly and fall in deeper and more regular sleep .

    通过妈妈和宝宝间的肌肤接触与目光交流,增强宝宝自我意识、刺激 宝宝 触觉发育,使 宝宝睡眠 模式更长久、更规律。

  • The results show that CMC was 0.5 % Xanthan gum was 0.1 % Glycerin monostearate monostearin was 0.3 % and compound phosphoric acid salt was 0.15 % they could not only decrease the cracking rate and collapse but also obviously improve their texture and tactility .

    结果表明最优组合为:CMC0.5%,黄原胶0.1%,分子蒸馏单甘酯0.3%,复合磷酸盐0.15%,该组合能够降低冻裂率和塌陷度,改善汤圆的 感官品质。