taeniasis suis


  • An epidemiological investigation on taeniasis suis and cysticercosis was carried out in 2 townships in Xide County Sichuan Province .

    本文 报道 绦虫 及囊虫病在四川喜德县两个乡的 流行 情况

  • Results : In Wenzhou the serum antibody positive rate of cysticercus cellulosae was 0.61 % prevalence of Taeniasis suis and cysticercosis cellulosae was 0.02 % and 0.09 % respectively .

    结果:温州地区人群血清囊虫抗体阳性率为0.61%, 绦虫 率为0.02%,囊虫病现惠率为0.09%。

  • The results showed that taeniasis suis and cysticercosis were heavily prevailing in Xide County . The associated factors regarding prevalence were also discussed in the article .

    通过调查证实了凉山地区喜德县 绦虫 和囊虫病流行是严重的,并对造成流行的因素进行了讨论。