Tagetes erecta

[医] 万寿菊,臭芙蓉

  • Preliminary Report on Cross - breeding of Tagetes erecta

    万寿菊杂交育种 实验初报

  • Analysis of the chemical composition of Tagetes erecta ( I ) & Analysis of the composition of essential oils in Tagetes erecta by GC / MS


  • Study on Rapid Tissue-culture of Isolated Laminae from Tagetes erecta

    快速离体培养 万寿菊 植株叶片组织

  • It was identified that male sterility of Tagetes erecta was Nucleo-Cytoplasmic interaction type with the characteristics of environment insensitiveness and stable inheritance and was qualitatively controlled by a recessive gene in nucleus .

    研究证实了雄性不育性 核质互作型雄性不育,且主要受一对细胞核基因控制的隐性不育,可育对不育显性,雄性不育是质量性状,不受环境影响,可稳定遗传。

  • This result indicated that Tagetes erecta can be used in the cross breeding and hybrid production through three lines combination .

    这一 遗传 特性表明, 万寿菊可通过三系配套,用于杂交种选育和生产。

  • Study on Variety Selection and Cultivation Technique of Tagetes erecta for Pigment

    色素 万寿菊品种筛选和种植技术的研究

  • To improve survival rate and cultivation cost of herbaceous flowers a comparative study of planting Tagetes erecta Dahlia pinnata Zinnia elegans and Coleus blumei are carried out in nursery big shallow flowerpots and 72 × 24 hole flowerpots with different combination of the base materials .

    为提高草本花卉的育苗成活率,降低育苗成本,对 万寿菊、大丽花、百日草、彩叶草等植物采用不同基质配比,以圃地、浅底大盆和72×24穴盆方式进行播种对比研究。

  • The regulatory functions was the most obvious for Celosia cristata followed by Dahlia hybrida and Begonia × hiemalis Tagetes erecta relatively had a poor result .

    对鸡冠花调控作用最为明显,其次为小丽花和丽格海棠, 万寿菊效果相对较差。