technical document

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈdɑkjəmənt][ˈteknikəl ˈdɔkjumənt]

[计] 技术文件[化] 技术文件

  • Some ideas and method for developing technical document CAD

    技术 文件CAD开发的思路和方法

  • Electronic Technical Document and Enterprise E - commerce

    技术 文档电子化与企业电子商务

  • Approaching the application of value engineering in drawing up maintenance technical document

    价值工程在制定维修 技术 文件中的应用探讨

  • Conclusions With the strong support of leaders at various levels the sanitation surveillance personals with higher sense of responsibilities were properly trained and designated so as to strengthen the technical document management and improve the quality and service ability of various environment & sanitation statistics and reports .

    结论各级领导应予足够的重视,指定责任心强的卫生监督统计人员,并做好其专业人员的培训工作,加强 业务 技术 档案的管理,以不断提高报表的信息质量和服务能力。

  • Develop technical document and assist technical tools development provide product and application training to internal and external customers .

    开发 技术 文件,协助技术工具的开发,为内部和外部客户提供产品知识和产品应用相关的培训。

  • BOM the technical document defining the product structure reflects the layers and quantitative relationship of all of components of products . It constitutes the data base of the information systems with material attributes document and process routes .

    BOM反映了一个产品所有零部件的构成层次关系和数量关系,是定义产品结构的 技术 文件;BOM与物料属性文件以及工艺路线一起构成了企业信息系统的基础数据。

  • Typical aero scientific and technical document database at home and abroad are introduced .

    介绍了常用的国内外航空 科技 文献数据库;

  • The Seller shall provide testing reports to prove that the protection equipment conforms to the immunity requirements given by the guiding technical document .

    卖方应该提供试验报告来证实保护设备符合本指导性 技术 文件给出的抗扰度要求。

  • Proceed from the request of equipment maintenance by abstracting classifying and processing we build up the technical document date and realize technical document digitization revolving the encoding rules of equipment structure layer which support the important guarantee for sharing date and information of specialist system .

    以设备结构层次编码规则为核心,从设备维护需求出发,对其进行抽象、归类和加工,建立了 技术 资料数据库,实现了技术资料的数字化,为专家系统实现数据和信息共享提供了重要保证。

  • Discuss the method of computer integrated technical document planing

    计算机集成 技术 文件设计的方法探讨

  • Company will organize the performance test activities including reviewing inspecting discussing approving according to technical document technical report performance data such as safety noise environment operation and run cases during time that contract determined .

    在合同规定的时间内,公司将组织进行性能试验,包括根据 技术 文件、技术报告和性能数据(如安全、噪音、环境、操作和运行情况)进行审核、检验、讨论和批准。

  • The paper introduced how to use the word processing and data linking functions of WORD and EXCEL to create ship ′ s technical document such as calculation book for classification .

    本文主要介绍利用Word和Excel的文字处理及链接数据功能进行船舶送检规范计算书的 技术 文件编制思路。

  • The application of some other security techniques about the technical document protection is researched including Virus Prevention Firewall and Virtual Private Network etc.

    针对企业 文档安全管理的需要,研究了其他相关安全技术的应用,如防病毒 技术,防火墙技术,虚拟专用网技术。

  • A variety of inventory management equipment maintenance technical document management staff training etc.

    阿的库存管理,设备维修, 技术 文档管理,人员培训等也依法进行品种的标准。

  • The product leaving company should be together with tools and technical document .

    产品出厂应提供随车工具和 下列 技术 文件

  • Take charge for product software system requirement study and analysis and prepare all relate technical document .

    负责产品软件系统的需求调研和需求分析,撰写相关 技术 文档

  • Good reading skills in technical document is a basic requirement . Good communication skill in English is preferred but not a must .

    英语 水平:较好的读 能力,口语交流能力不作特别要求。

  • Research on Integration of Heterogeneous Data for Scientific and Technical Document Platform in Shanxi Province

    山西高校 科技 文献平台异构数据整合研究

  • May be there are too many incidents could be written you only selected some technological contents of every item which made your Memoir a technical document to be pigeonholed .

    可能要写的东西太多了,所以每件工程都只是记载了一些技术过程,像是一份要归挡备考的 技术 资料

  • Water and soil conservation plan is the essential technical document during the feasibility studies of development or construction project .

    水土保持方案是开发建设项目可行性研究阶段立项必备的 技术 文件

  • In this foundation earnestly studies the correlation design paper and the technical document gives the hypothesis to some essential components technical parameters again it has formulated the effective processing craft and the assembly method .

    在此基础上,认真地研究相关设计图纸和 技术 文件,对一些关键零件的技术参数给予重新设定,制定了行之有效的加工工艺和装配方法。

  • According to the definition of technical specification by ISO and WTO and the relationship between technical specification and laws and regulations in fact technical specification is a peremptory technical document it has the characters both of technology and laws .

    根据ISO和WTO对技术法规的定义以及技术法规与法律法规的关系,技术法规本质上是一种需要强制遵守的 技术文件,具有技术和法律两方面的规定性。

  • The so called ″ completed project document ″ refers to technical document generally at home but it refers to all the documents of management course ac-cording to international practice .

    国内的竣工文件一般指 专业 技术 文件,而国际惯例要求的竣工文件囊括了所有的管理过程文件。

  • Responsible for the technical document management in manufactory dept. ensure the uniqueness and effectiveness .

    负责制造部 工艺 文件的管理,确保 文件的唯一性和有效性。

  • It shows mainly that the making shams of academic work experiment report technical document and information document in the process of research .

    就研究过程来说,主要表现为学术论著、实验报告、 技术 文件和情报文献造假。

  • From the reference of concerned technical document the paper established a mathematic model of the system discussed the control strategy of EPS and simulated the digital PID control and fuzzy control arithmetic .

    在参考相关 技术 文献的基础上,建立了相应的系统数学模型,并对电动助力转向系统控制策略进行了分析研究,对数字PID控制和模糊控制进行了仿真分析。

  • The WHO logo on a technical document is a stamp of trustworthy authority .

    技术 文件上世卫组织的徽记是可靠权威的标志。

  • Therefore people always use electronic document management system to manage technical document and record company 's crucial business information properly for the control of production process ( produce efficiency with rising ) etc.

    因此,人们常常把电子文档管理系统用于对生产过程的控制(以提高生产效率)、妥善管理 技术 文档、记录公司关键生意信息等方面。

  • The Method Study and Application of Digitization of Technical Document and Expert Knowledge for Hydropower Plant

    水电厂 技术 资料与专家知识数字化方法研究与应用