


  • Purification Structure Characterization and Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Polysaccharides from Tangerine Peel


  • The tangerine crossed with the grapefruit produced the hybrid known as the tangelo .


  • We also bought a lemon tree and a tangerine tree .

    还买了一树柠檬,和 济州 蜜橘

  • Both songs are included in his new album Black Tangerine .

    这两首歌都收录在他的新专辑,《黑色 中。

  • One day I found a child playing with a ruby as big as a tangerine .

    直到有一天我发现一个小孩正在玩一颗有 柑橘那么大的红宝石。

  • Dried tangerine peel can be used as medicine .


  • Dan played with the tangerine peel letting it uncoil and then coil again

    丹摆弄着那 橘子皮,将它不停地展开来卷回去。

  • Studies on Extraction Purification Isolation and Identification of Flavonoids from Rough-peel Mandarin Peel large sweet juicy hybrid between tangerine and grapefruit having a thick wrinkled skin .

    皱皮柑果皮中黄酮类化合物的提取、纯化及分离鉴定个头大的、甜的、汁多的 橘子和葡萄柚的杂交果实,果皮粗厚有皱褶。

  • She likes to eat tangerine .

    她喜欢吃 橘子

  • Bring tangerine peel sauce to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes until well flavoured .

    陈皮 卤水汁材料放煲内煮滚,改用中慢火熬15分钟至陈皮出味。

  • Drivers can choose one of seven ambient lighting schemes . I like tangerine myself .

    驾驶员可在七种氛围照明模式中挑选自己喜欢的一种,我喜欢的是 橘色

  • Ingredients : kelp Chinese pangolin scorpion red tangerine peel poria .

    产品成份:昆布,穿山甲,全蝎, 橘红,茯芩。

  • Xi is mixed in deal pleasant tangerine kind the part that fragrance acts in the plant .

    烯在松木和甘 类植物中扮演香味的角色。

  • In this paper extraction of liposoluble pigment from dry powder of tangerine peel was studied .

    以干 橘皮粉为原料,对 橘皮油溶性色素的提取工艺进行研究。

  • There are tetraploid and diploid regenerated plants in Page tangelo + Valencia orange and Hongju tangerine + Rough lemon .

    丹西 红橘+粗柠檬和佩奇橘柚+伏令夏橙2个组合的再生植株既有二倍体也有四倍体;

  • Half the subjects saw jellybean names that were common descriptives : blueberry blue cherry red chocolate brown marshmallow white tangerine orange and watermelon green .

    半数的研究对象选择了普通描述型名称的软糖:蓝莓蓝,樱桃红,巧克力褐,葵花白, 橘子橙和西瓜绿等。

  • In vitro Antioxidative Effect and Determination of Polysaccharides from Xinhui Tangerine Peel

    新会 陈皮多糖的体外抗氧化作用及总糖含量测定

  • Determination of juice content in orange mandarine tangerine juice and their drinks

    GB/T16771-1997橙、柑、 汁及其饮料中果汁含量的测定

  • Is the tangerine sweet ?


  • Now a bite might yield tea tangerine or hibiscus .

    然而现在,一块巧克力入口,可能是抹茶口味, 橘子口味,甚至木槿口味的都有。

  • There 's a sweet smell of tangerine !

    有一种 橘子的甜味!

  • Give me a segment of a tangerine to taste .

    给我一瓣 柑橘尝一尝。

  • A mix of maroons and peach tangerine and coral are introduced by a gold-green hazel .

    暖色调很好地表达世俗情感:从忧郁、深沉到欢快。栗色和桃色的组合, 橘黄色和珊瑚色加上淡褐色。

  • Also the locals would buy mini tangerine trees and decorate them with red packets .

    而且,当地人会买来小 树,用红包在上面装饰一番。

  • After the famous camel it is time for tangerine to spice up your wardrobe .

    在著名的 camel之后,是 橙色 登场令你衣橱焕然一新的时候

  • Affect of Tangerine Peel and Radish Juice on Exsufflation Time in Post-operation Patients of Gynecology Department


  • Large sweet juicy hybrid between tangerine and grapefruit having a thick wrinkled skin .

    个头大的、甜的、汁多的 橘子和葡萄柚的杂交果实,果皮粗厚有皱褶。

  • The content of microelement in tangerine peel was determined by AAS .

    陕西 城固 桔园 桔皮为原料,用原子吸收分光光度法对其进行了微量元素含量的测定。