technical note

[ˈtɛknɪkəl not][ˈteknikəl nəut]


  • This technical note explains one consequence if a mediation flow is not used .

    技术 说明解释了不使用中介流的结果。

  • In this article you 've learned how to use the Java language and UDDI4J to implement the approach to publishing as defined in the Technical Note .

    在本文中,您已经了解到如何使用Java语言和UDDI4J来实现 Technical Note中定义的发布方法。

  • Linear retromastoid incision suboccipital extreme lateral approach topography and surgical technical note

    乳突后直切口枕下极外侧入路的局部解剖及操作 要点

  • According to the actual situation of Guangdong province township shipyard Introduction to butt welding and fillet welding procedure approval process and technical standards and the note .

    结合广东省乡镇船厂实际,介绍钢板对接焊和角接焊的焊接工艺认可流程、 技术标准和有关 注意 事项

  • Assessment of the brain tolerance to unilateral carotid artery occlusion : A technical note

    颈动脉 阻断脑耐受性评估

  • The next article in this series will apply the approach described in the Technical Note to a sample WSDL description and show how to issue some of the types of queries described in this article .

    在这一个系列中的下一篇文章把 Technical Note中描述的查询方法应用到一个样本WSDL描述,演示如何发布在这篇文章中讲述的一些查询类型。

  • The start page which automatically opens after the CD is started is the entry menu for the technical note for emergency services .

    光盘启动自动打开的“开始”页为“应急服务的 技术 说明”的进入菜单。

  • The technical note for emergency services now opens automatically .

    此时“应急服务的 技术 说明”会自动打开。

  • See the technical note at Annex I for details of the mortgage insurance product .

    按揭保险产品详细资料载于附件一的 技术 说明内。

  • Year 2000 Test Report for the Airport Movement Area Safety System ( AMASS ); Technical note

    机场飞行区域安全系统( AMASS)2000年测试报告/ 技术 报告

  • Through a comparison of the technical efficiency pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency in different areas it is obvious to note that a low pure technical efficiency leads to a technical efficiency in DEA ineffective areas .

    通过对各地区耕地技术效率、耕地纯 技术效率和耕地规模效率的对比,我们可以 发现,导致DEA非有效地区耕地技术效率低下的主要原因是由于其纯技术效率低下所引起的。

  • Objective : To evaluate the safety and accuracy of Stereotactic treatment of intracerebral hematoma explore the operation method and technical note .

    目的:探讨立体定向手术治疗脑内血肿的可靠性和安全性,研究手术方法及 技术 要点

  • This article has applied the approach defined in the Technical Note to a significant sample WSDL description namely the WS-I Supply Chain Management sample application .

    本文将 Technical Note中定义的方法应用于重要的样本WSDL描述(即WS-I供应链管理(SupplyChainManagement)样本应用程序)。

  • The first takes as parameters only the information required by the WSDL Technical Note .

    第一个仅仅将WSDL Technical Note所需的信息作为参数。

  • This technical note explains this unexpected problem when using binary message parts .

    这篇 技术 说明解释了使用二进制消息部分时的意外问题。

  • Technical Note : This is used to assign values to the templates by reference .

    技术 提醒:此函式以传参考的方式将变数值指定给样版。

  • If these minimum requirements are not met the technical note for emergency services can be displayed only with errors or may not be displayed at all .

    如果不满足这些最低要求,则只能以错误方式显示“应急服务的 技术 说明”或根本无法显示此文档。

  • And a technical note from our panelist Bob : One other thing on the730ES : the front panel MPX switch .

    以及来自我们的专门小组成员鲍勃的 技术 说明:在730ES上的另外一件事情:面板MPX开关。

  • Technical Note : Evaluated variables are compiled on every invocation the compiled versions are not saved !

    技术 要点:待求值处理的变量每次调用时被重编译,不保存编译版本!

  • Yes after technical examination we find this note is counterfeit .

    是的,经过 技术检验,我们发现这 钞票是假钞。

  • The approach described in the Technical Note allows flexible and precise queries to be issued that can include both WSDL-related information and other information such as industry classification .

    Technical Note中描述的方法允许发布灵活准确的查询,可以包括WSDL相关信息和其它信息,例如产业分类。