


  • Tactical nuclear weapons have shorter ranges .


  • It 's not yet clear whether the Prime Minister 's resignation offer is a serious one or whether it 's simply a tactical move

    现在还不清楚首相提出辞职是认真的,还是仅仅作为一种 策略

  • This was a sad tactical mistake .

    这是一个令人悲哀的 战术 错误。

  • They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe .

    他们已经拆除所有能够袭击欧洲的 战术核导弹。

  • In the morning the brigade lost its communication center destroyed by a tactical Iraqi missile .

    在早上内旅失去了它的一枚 兵法的伊拉克的导弹破坏了的通讯中心。

  • Gunner modeling problem for tactical simulation of armored force ( unit ) is discussed .

    研究了装甲兵部(分)队 战术仿真中的射手建模问题。

  • The Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missile force would be eliminated as would all US tactical nuclear weapons .

    民兵(minuteman)洲际弹道导弹以及美国所有的 战术 核武器都将被消除。

  • A shipboard system for collecting and displaying tactical data .

    收集和整理 战术数据的船载系统。

  • The security forces had made a tactical withdrawal from the area .

    安全部队已从该地区 战术 撤军。

  • This system is used for off-axis symbology for tactical maneuvering .

    这一系统为 战术机动使用了离轴符号。

  • And the feasibility of the head-on intercepting tactical ballistic missile is also approached in detail .

    最后着重探讨了该制导方法迎头拦截 弹道导弹的工程可行性。

  • I think he made a tactical blunder by announcing it so far ahead of time .

    我认为他在时机远未成熟时就把这事说了出去是一种 失策

  • The rebels have momentum and tactical agility .

    叛军获得了声势和 战术灵活性。

  • A well-designed plan and successfully executed operation shape the situation for tactical actions .

    一个策划得好的计划和执行成功的操作决定了 战术行动的形势。

  • Management can make tactical changes to the product .

    对产品的管理能够采取 战术 的变化。

  • It 's of no tactical value for us or the americans .

    它对于我们和美国人都没有什么 战术价值。

  • He had a nose for trouble and a brilliant tactical mind

    他善于发现问题,还总能想出 高明 策略

  • Objective To determine the display information and its priority for tactical navigation of advanced fighter .

    目的研究提出 战术导航过程中新型歼击机应向飞行员显示的飞行信息及其优先级。

  • The remaining chapters cover logistical and tactical aspects of teaching web searching skills .

    剩下的几个章节讨论了教授网络搜索技能的一些逻辑和 策略方面的问题。

  • The PLA has been widely using microwave as an integrated part of its strategic and tactical communication networks .

    PLA已经广泛地使用微波当做它的战略和 战术通信网络的一个整合部分。

  • Of course guerrilla warfare includes not only the strategic but also the tactical defensive .

    当然,游击战争中不但战略上有防御, 战术上也是有防御的;

  • Complex terrain and electromagnetic environment are the main factors on the tactical communications .

    现代 战场复杂的地形环境和电磁环境是影响 战术通信 性能的主要因素。

  • But the case is different with tactical stages where compromises may be made .


  • There are about a dozen new weapons and tactical items .

    大约有12种新的武器和 战术道具。

  • Mentality is probably the most important of the tactical instructions .

    心态或许算得上是最重要的 战术指导了。

  • It is the first Chinese solid-propellant tactical ballistic missile designed to carry conventional warhead .

    它是中国第一种固体推进剂 战术弹道导弹,设计去携带常规弹头。

  • On this we should build our tactical thinking .

    从这点上,建立我们的 策略思想和 战术思想。

  • He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go .

    他犯了一个让他颜面尽失的 战术错误,只得引咎辞职。

  • It is one of the most popular and advanced tactical UAV systems fielded by the PLA .

    它是被PLA装备的一种最广泛和先进的 战术UAV系统。

  • To satisfy the need of the armoured forces tactical training Tank element tactical training simulation system was developed .

    为了满足我军坦克兵部队 战术训练的实际需要,设计开发了坦克分队战术仿真训练系统。