


  • Did that first ' like ' make him feel a tad better about his life ?

    那么这条状态下的第一个赞 的能让他对自己的生活感觉好 吗?

  • And when it comes to eggs they are a perfect packaging material-though a tad too brittle .

    对于蛋而言,这件外衣实在是太棒了,就是有 易碎

  • When I was in tad 's dorm room .

    当我在 泰德寝室时。

  • While Greece teeters one of its eurozone peers on the Iberian Peninsula is feeling a tad wobbly too .

    希腊一个踉跄,伊比利亚半岛上的另一个欧元区国家也感到了 一丝摇晃。

  • We assumed that this guy was tad .

    我们以为这个人是 泰德

  • The prices were a tad above average but they 're of the highest quality .

    价格比平均水平 高,可它们的质量是最好的。

  • Then my mind asked my heart a tad sarcastically : Since WHEN ?

    然后我的大脑问我的心,带 挖苦的语气:从什么时候开始的?

  • Producers were also worried that things were becoming a tad one-sided .

    生产商也担心,局势变得有 单方面。

  • But she 's a tad muscular .


  • Tad Trenton : Except for the one in my closet .


  • I need a tad of salt please .

    我需要一 点点的盐。

  • In Scala however this definition looks a tad different from Java 's version .

    但是,在Scala中,此定义看起来与Java版本 差异。

  • For one thing JVs themselves are a tad anachronistic .

    首先,合资企业本身多少就是一个 时代错误。

  • B.After you 've yelled at him or hurt him in some other way and feel a tad guilty .

    当你对他大喊大叫或者伤害了他,觉得 内疚的时候。

  • Will there be new winning conditions in TAD like Regicide ?


  • I think it 's just a tad ironic that I have a plan to avoid being political but my plan basically boils down to being consistently authentic .

    我认为这真 一些讽刺,我竟然有一套计划来回避政治,可是我的计划基本上归根结底就是一贯 表现 真我。

  • Even though my mustache is a tad askew .

    即使我的胡须 歪了。

  • This may sound a tad complicated but it does have certain advantages .

    这可能听上去 有些复杂,但这样做确实有优点。

  • It was a tad confusing

    这叫人 糊涂

  • Americans rarely discuss this topic ; after all rest room habits seem a tad puerile .

    美国人很少讨论这个话题;毕竟,谈论如厕习惯似乎是一种 幼稚的行为。

  • Of course there is a bracing clarity to this thinking but it 's a tad too neat .

    这样的想法可以说是够清楚的了,但是它有 太单纯。

  • You know now that the moment is upon me I must admit to feeling a tad misty .

    知道吗,现在一切都在我 掌握中,我必须承认感觉 迷茫。

  • To take one of many possible examples when things are unresolved I can get a tad anxious .

    从众多可能中举个例子 来说,当事情没有 定时,我会 焦躁

  • Look I admit I read my mind of . a little overreacted tad .

    我承认我当时有一 像个反应过度的 小孩子

  • You 'll TAD up getting burnt if you do not keep away from the fire .

    若不避开火, 到头来你会被烧伤的。

  • First though you need just a tad more concept and theory behind how a rule is structured .

    但是,您首先需要 了解 一些 有关规则构建的概念和理论。

  • I can be a tad bit pushy .

    我有 热过头了。

  • But just a tad more volume if you would .

    要是可以的话声音 大一 就更好了。

  • We were not a tad surprise by the huge production of40 fry as its brooding pouch was obviously large .

    因为它的孵卵袋特别的大,对于四十尾仔鱼的产量我们一 也不惊奇。

  • The toughest challenge for me personally was that I found the home screen a tad too busy .

    对于我来说,最恶心的就是我的 手机主界面 太忙了。