

adv.& adj.十倍地(的)

  • Four years later in October 2013 levels were up tenfold a new record .

    四年后也就是2013年10月,相关指数已涨了 ,创下新的记录。

  • In the past 120 years the population has increased tenfold .

    在过去一百二十年中,人口已 膨胀

  • Yet yields would increase tenfold – in the same climate on the same soil – if subsistence farmers started using crops and techniques pioneered on experimental farms .

    但如果勉强糊口的农民开始采用实验农场中率先试用的作物品种和种植技术,在同样的气候和土壤条件下,收成可能增长为 原来

  • Trade between China and Africa rose to $ 107bn in 2008 up tenfold from a decade before .

    2008年,中非贸易增至1070亿美元,较十年前增长了 10

  • Our total direct investment in India rose tenfold from $ 2.4 billion in2000 to $ 27.1 billion in2010 .

    我们对印度的直接投资总额从2000年的24亿美元上升到2010年的271亿,提高 之多。

  • The share price has risen more than tenfold since the change of strategy .

    如今的股价是转变策略 整整

  • The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years .

    在随后的10年中,两个公司的规模扩大为 原来 10

  • Box office revenues reached RMB 10 billion in 2010 a tenfold increase since 2002 .

    2010年, 中国 电影票房收入达到100亿元人民币,与2002年相比增长

  • As everybody now knows prices rose tenfold before peaking last summer .

    而众所周知,到去年夏季见顶之前,油价涨 10

  • I will visit it back on him tenfold .

    我就会让他 付出 代价

  • The crossings and grown varieties are more than tenfold that number .


  • In a few months the guerrilla army multiplied tenfold .


  • The rate of foreign investment has soared around tenfold in the past decade .

    外国投资的速度在过去十年中增加了 10 左右。

  • The worst-case scenario with the US slipping into recession could see a tenfold jump from the lows of today .

    如果美国滑入经济衰退,在这种最糟糕的情况下, 违约 可能会从目前的低点跳 10

  • The population increased tenfold .

    人口 速度 增长

  • Trade has risen more than tenfold in a decade to $ 55bn .

    10年来,中非贸易额增长逾 10 ,至550亿美元。

  • Demand for cars in China is set to increase about tenfold by 2035 he added .

    他补充说,到2035年中国汽车需求预计将增加大约 10

  • The industry saw export revenue climb roughly tenfold to an expected $ 68 billion in the coming year .

    明年,印度 IT产业的出口收入预计将增长约 10 ,达到680亿美元。

  • But his brain function has increased tenfold .

    但是他的大脑的 利用 增加了

  • According to RBS the average manufacturing wage of Chinese workers has increased tenfold in the past two decades .

    根据RBS的数据,过去20年里,中国制造业工人的平均工资上涨了 10

  • The Yellowstone River has increased its flow tenfold .

    黄石河已经增加了 流量。

  • The index the benchmark for dry bulk commodities ' freight costs has jumped tenfold since 2000 and risen 150 per cent since January 2007 .

    作为大宗商品干散货运价成本的衡量基准,自2000年以来,该指数已攀升了 10 ,自2007年1月以来的涨幅也高达150%。

  • Last year they made over 100m trips overseas up more than tenfold since 2000 .

    去年,中国出境游人次超过1亿,为2000年的 10 多。

  • His awareness of her was abruptly increased tenfold .


  • Seaborne iron ore trades at a $ 20 discount to local product a tenfold increase over pricing in the past three years .

    海运铁矿石价格目前较本地铁矿石有20美元的折让,过去3年折让幅度扩大 10

  • Under Mr. Carcelle 's leadership the number of LVMH boutiques doubled to 1 in more than 50 countries while revenue soared almost tenfold to nearly 10 billion euros or $ 13 billion .

    在卡塞勒的领导之下,路易威登的门店增长了一倍,达到1300家,遍布世界50多个国家,公司收入几乎 增长 10 ,达到将近100亿欧元,或130亿美元。

  • ' Without the Montreal Protocol and its associated Vienna Convention atmospheric levels of ozone-depleting substances could have increased tenfold by2050 'Mr Steiner said .

    施泰纳先生说,要是没有蒙特利尔议定书和维也纳公约,大气中臭氧消耗物质的浓度可能会增加 10

  • Hitler 's power increases tenfold .


  • You expect Chinese female earnings to grow from $ 350 million in 2000 to $ 4 trillion by 2020 a tenfold increase in two decades .

    您预计中国女性的收入将从2000年的3500亿美元增长至2020年的4万亿美元,二十年增长 10

  • Penalties for parking in Olympic exclusion zones will rise tenfold .

    在奥运“专属区”停车的罚款将上升 10