


  • Experimental demonstration system of Fourier telescopy was analyzed which includes that the scheme of experiment practical optical setup data processing and integrated control of the system . 3 .

    对傅里叶 望远 的实验室成像系统进行分析:包括实验系统方案,实验的具体光路、信号处理部分以及系统的综合控制。

  • The cooperation program between China Australia and Great Britain Pulsar timing observation at 18 cm using 25 m radio telescopy of Urumqi is introduced for its significance reconstruction of the receiver and its sensitivity .

    正在 执行 中、澳、英合作的利用乌鲁木齐25m射电 望远镜18cm 波段上进行脉冲星脉冲到达时间的观测研究项目,就其课题意义、接收系统的 技术改造和观测灵敏度等进行了介绍。

  • Analysis and Simulation on Phase Closure of Fourier Telescopy

    傅里叶 望远 中的相位闭合分析及其仿真