


  • And by the time he was 16 he was in London with his first hit . And he had a terrifically successful theatrical career .

    16岁时他在伦敦 首度成名,在戏剧上取得了 非凡的成功。

  • But that terrifically expensive model is not what most of today 's college students are getting .

    但是那个 超级昂贵的模型并非当今大多数大学生所得到的。

  • The poor chap gets terrifically het up .

    这个可怜的人气 要命

  • Commercials on TV They 're terrifically expensive easily avoided with DVRs and inefficiently target mass audiences .

    它们 贵无比,用一台数字录像机就能避开,而且没有针对性。

  • It was that kind of a crazy afternoon terrifically cold and no sun out or anything and you felt like you were disappearing every time you crossed a road .

    那是个 混帐的下午, 天气 可怕,没太阳什么的,在每次穿越马路之后,你 总会有一种像是失踪了的感觉。

  • I was terrifically proud when I received this model as a present .

    当我收到这架作为礼物的 飞机时,我很 自豪

  • It 's terrifically cold today .

    今天 够受

  • By using the general jigs for the general tools it is difficult to get terrifically slow feeding speed stable machining quality and smart micro profile .

    在微细加工中 如果采用 传统的数控加工机床,由于其 体积 庞大持工具 粗重,难以获得 低的加工进给速度、稳定的加工质量和灵活 多变的微小加工轮廓。

  • It had a high rating ; maybe it wasn 't terrifically discreet but I 've not much to hide .

    它得到的评价很高,也许它不是那么 称心如意,但我也不是非要把自己隐藏起来。

  • Far down there in the orchestra circle was the one woman in all the world so different so terrifically different from these two girls of his class that he could feel for them only pity and sorrow .

    只是现在不同了,在远处 靠近乐队的地方有一个世界上唯一的女性,跟他自己阶级的姑娘们不同, 简直 天壤之别

  • This year promises to be terrifically good fun

    今年一定 非常有意思。

  • The terrifically surreal sets in this comic and touching film are wonderful .

    极度超现实的场景为这部感人的喜剧 增添 科幻的色彩。

  • We knew it was going to be a hard-fought game as Villa are a tough team to beat at home but we played terrifically well .

    我们知道这将是一场苦战,要在客场击败维拉并不 容易。但我们踢 不错