test line

[test laɪn][test lain]

[医] 试线(检股骨颈长短)

  • The design of test installation device layout of test line selection and installation of test sensor development of submersible electric pump speed equipment is included .

    流体输送测试系统的设计、 试验 管路的布局、综合测试系统测试传感器的选用、安装和潜水电泵转速设备的开发。

  • The system composes of test line database server logging on the computer vehicle detection computer ( the IPC ) and system software .

    该系统主要由 检测 线数据库服务器、登录计算机、车辆检测计算机(各工控机)和系统软件构成。

  • In the process of program designing the multi test line scheduler is realized on the oriented object analyzing and designing combining with the multitasking concept ;

    在软件设计的过程中,采用面向对象的程序方法结合多进程的概念,为实现对多 检测 线进行调度提供了良好的解决方案;

  • A Study of Methodology of Drawing Test Line on Development of Bus Driving Cycle

    公交车行驶工况开发过程中 试验 线路的提取研究

  • Application of Synchronous Detection Technic in Microwave Test Line Experiment

    同步检测技术在微波 测量 线实验中的应用

  • The line of low-rank coal upgrading technology was designed and the parameter of test line main and assistant pulse airflow drier and other main equipments was put forward .

    开发低阶煤提质工艺试验线,并对 试验 线主副管脉冲气流干燥器和其它主要设备进行参数计算。

  • On the basis of probing vehicle safety test line control system device demand and function fabric the thesis simply introduce adoption more advanced test line control system of industry module distributed control mode .

    在探讨车辆安全 检测 线控制系统设计要求和功能结构的基础上,简要介绍采用工业模块集散控制方式的较先进的检测线控制系统。

  • This paper introduced an intelligent automobile safety test line .

    论述了一种汽车安全 检测 线计算机智能化控制系统的组成和设计要点。

  • The modeling and short_term scheduling of synthetic vehicle performance test line are presented .

    研究了汽车综合性能 检测 线批次检测车辆的建模与短期调度问题。

  • The company has25 injection molding machines die centre two separate assembly line 10 computer test line .

    本公司有25台注塑机、模具中心、2条独立的组装线,10条电脑 测试 线

  • A new kind of microwave test line system which uses synchronous detection technique was introduced and the measure principle was analysed in this paper .

    介绍一种使用同步检测技术的微波 测量 线 实验系统,它克服了传统非同步系统的缺点。

  • These results will be the important scientific bases for the design and testing of the HTS Maglev vehicle test line considerations in the future .

    以上研究结果将为下一步高温超导磁悬浮车中 线设计及实验提供重要的参考和依据。

  • Aiming at the complex characteristic of present automobile test line this paper introduced the principle of brake inspection system and the construction of automobile test line .

    在对汽车轴重 测量原理进行分析的基础上,提出了一种在汽车检测线中动态 测试轴重的方法,并对测量系统的硬件结构进行了详细介绍。

  • A computer system of Full-Automatic Detection and Test Line for Motorcycle

    全自动摩托车 检测 线计算机系统

  • The cotton fiber test line technology is described .

    描述了棉纤维 在线 测试技术。

  • Master slave measure and control system of test line for automobile based on Netware Lite

    基于NetWareLite的汽车 检测 线主从式测控系统

  • Vehicle automatic test line was always long distance high speed .

    汽车自动 检测 线往往距离长,速度快。

  • The traction of the low speed maglev vehicle in the Tangshan maglev test line is calculated using the calculation software developed in this dissertation ; by comparison of the calculation result and the experimental result the feasibility and the accuracy of the software are preliminarily validated .

    使用本文所编制软件对唐山 试验 线进行牵引计算,通过计算结果与实验测试结果的比较,初步论证了软件的可行性与准确性。

  • Features and Testing of New Type Vehicles on Yamanashi Test Line

    山梨 试验 线新型车辆的特点与试验概况

  • Based on the analysis of exact tested objects the authors probe into the computer controlling system for automobile test line .

    在分析了具体的检测对象的基础上,探讨了用于控制汽车 检测 线的微机控制系统,经分析和对比提出一种新型设计方案。

  • Described is the structure of the assist steering device applied on bolsterless bogies as well as the operation test results on the special test line of Japan 's Railway Technical Research Institute .

    介绍了无摇枕转向架上应用的辅助导向装置的结构,以及在日本铁道综合技术研究所专用 试验 线上的运行试验结果。

  • In this paper the necessity to make the testing on operation performance of cars and the favorable conditions for building the car operation test line in our country are described .

    国外对车辆运用性能试验比较重视,我国至今还没有专门的 试验 线路,这方面的试验研究工作开展也不多。

  • In this paper with SCR feedback test line On this basis for the whole test-bed design .

    本文主要介绍了“带有可控硅的反馈 试验 线路”,在此基础上,开展了整个试验台的设计。

  • The company has full-time inspection institution and personnel facilitated with special vehicle inspection and test line and central lab.

    公司设有专职检验机构和人员,配有专用汽车 检测 线、化 和中心实验室。

  • The chassis dynamometer is key equipment in an automobile test line .

    测功 试验台是汽车 质检 线中的关键设备。

  • Analysis And Control on the Noise of Nondestructive Detection Test Line for Oil Well Pipes

    油井管无损探伤 检验 线噪声的分析与控制

  • Taking appropriative train test line of Guangzhou metro line 2 as an example this paper introduces the equipment function and characters of signal system and service conditions of interfaces .

    以广州地铁2号线的专用 试车 线为例,分析其信号系统的设备概况、功能及特点,介绍各接口的使用情况。

  • The Necessity to Build Test Line for Acceleration Operation of Cars and the Favorable Conditions

    修建车辆加速运用 试验 线的必要性和有利条件

  • The project simplified network system structure of the test line and the system characteristics are modularization real time and openness .

    该方案简化了 检测 线网络系统结构,系统具有模块化、实时性和开放性等特点。

  • Design and Calculation of Main Shaft for Uncoiler of Coating Test Line

    涂层 试验 线开卷机主轴的设计与计算