test alignment

[计] 正文对准

  • To test the verticality or alignment of with a plumb . Effective Diameter of the Measuring Coil in Eddy Current Sensors and Its Applications

    测量 垂直度用锤铊来 检查垂直度或 是否在一条直线上涡流传感器中检测线圈的有效直径及其应用

  • A study on low speed wind tunnel test of wing / store flutter suppressed by remote pivot decoupler pylon with alignment system is carried out .

    进行了带有 调整系统的远铰解耦挂架抑制机翼/外挂颤振的低速风洞 试验研究。

  • Through the test of key parameters paper verified the feasibility of alignment method . 3 .

    通过镜头主要指标的 测试,验证了 方案的可行性。

  • The analysis agrees with rail test data better and offers theory foundations for rail alignment with high accuracy .

    该方法分析结果与轨道 实测数据符合较好,为高精度轨道 安装 调试 标准提供了理论依据。

  • Under the test vehicle maneuver condition the transfer alignment results satisfied the alignment requirements for guided bomb with micro inertial navigation system .

    实验车的机动条件下,传递 对准结果满足采用微捷联惯导的航空制导炸弹的对准精度要求。

  • Further more the synthesis coordinate value method and the synthesis marking method were applied to give the evaluation and the order of test wood by considering of weighing coefficient of cell alignment wood growth idiosyncrasy and sound vibration properties .

    此外, 实验还采用综合坐标法和综合评分法,对参与 实验的8个云杉属木材依据其结构 排列、生长特性、振动性能及考虑权重系数进行了综合坐标值评定和打分排序。

  • With respect to a testing shafting for ship power system test a mechanics model for shafting alignment calculation is constructed by use of finite element method .

    传统的船舶轴系校 计算的主要目的是在轴系静态的情况下验证和确定轴系设计状况,用来指导轴系的安装和 检验

  • Based on the stationarity test of time alignment it can be determined that there is no cointegration between foreign exchange earnings from tourism and economic growth .

    依据时间 序列的平稳性 检验可以判定:旅游外汇收入和经济增长两时间序列之间应不是协整的。

  • Using optimal smoothing technology to test and evaluate the accuracy of in-flight alignment is an available method to analysis the performance of INS .

    利用最优平滑技术对 导系统动基座 对准 效果进行评估,是分析导弹系统的制导精度和惯导系统自身器件性能的有效方法。

  • According to the test results of coarse alignment EKF is selected to achieve precision alignment and the results .

    通过对粗 对准 测试结果分析,选择了EKF方式实现精对准,并且精度达到了预期效果。

  • Through numeric simulation trial and flight test the performance of different time delay on transfer alignment was presented .

    通过数字仿真试验和载机飞行 试验 数据,验证了不同时间延迟对传递 对准的影响。

  • The article introduces the method of checking the bearing load by jack-up test after shafting alignment and illuminates the jack-up test with its application examples in a1000 TEU container vessel .

    介绍了在 轴系按校中计算安装后,通过顶升法 检测轴系中轴承所承受的负荷,来检查轴系安装是否正确。

  • We carry on open and close test on machine transliteration unit alignment .

    使用不同的标注语料进行音译单元 对齐的封闭 测试和开放 测试

  • This paper discusses the design method for high speed loop test road in terms of selection of geometric alignment and parameters of elliptical high speed test road .

    本文从几何 线型选择及椭圆形高速环道主要参数控制几个方面论述了高速环形 试验路的设计方法。

  • The test results show that a high-precision estimation of parameters and a reduced alignment time has been obtained by means of the Least Square Estimation .

    试验表明:用最小二乘法作参数估计能缩短 对准时间,并得到高精度的参数估计。

  • The test precision of initial measure system cannot exceed the precision limited by alignment error so initial alignment is a very important problem in develop and application of the system .

    惯性测量系统的 测量精度不可能优于 对准误差所限定的精度,因此初始对准是捷联惯导系统的研制与应用中一个关键的问题。

  • Four-wheel alignment as a basic equipment of vehicle inspection and test is also the core equipment to measure and calibrate the parameter of wheel alignment .

    作为汽车检测的基本设备&四轮定位仪,是汽车 检测维修行业的核心设备,用于测量和校准汽车的车轮 定位参数。

  • Taking ADF method and EC mothod to test unit root and test EG harmonization and adjustment can judge that if our country 's actual rate was the stable time alignment and infer that if RMB rate fit purposing power parity .

    采用扩充迪基-富勒(ADF)方法以及恩格尔-葛兰杰(EG)方法进行单位根检验和EG协整 检验,可判别我国实际汇率是否为平稳时间 序列,从而推断人民币汇率是否符合购买力平价。

  • The simulating test shows the high alignment accuracy can be acquired in short time and it has stronger robustness to the system noises and the measurement noises accompanying the simplification of model and the disturbance of environment .

    仿真 表明,它不仅能在较短的 对准时间内获得高 对准精度,而且对系统噪声和环境噪声有很强的鲁棒性。

  • The results of computer simulation and swing test on three-axis turntable show that the method can be effectively used in the initial alignment on swing base .

    通过计算机仿真和三轴转台摇摆 实验证明该方案可以有效实现摇摆状态下的 对准

  • This has provided foundation for the design calculation test and alignment of a windshield wiper motor reset system .

    提出了复位计算的算法和刮水电机 参数 测试 方法,并以实例进行了 测试和计算,为刮水电机自动复位装置的设计、计算和 试验 调整提供了依据。

  • To test the verticality or alignment of with a plumb .

    测量 垂直度用锤铊来 检查垂直度或 是否在一条直线上。

  • Petri Web Random Test Generation Based on the Alignment of the System

    基于随机Petri网 测试 序列生成系统

  • Swing shaft test bench is used to test alignment calibration and accuracy of system under simulating swing condition in laboratory .

    摇晃轴试验台是在实验室模拟摇晃条件下,对被 系统进行 对准、标校及精度 试验的一种装置。

  • A Study on Wind Tunnel Test of Remote Pivot Decoupler Pylon with Alignment System

    带有 调整系统的远铰解耦挂架风洞 试验研究

  • By using the same method the curriculum standard and the literacy test were coded and then calculate the alignment index .

    利用相同的编码方法分别对课程标准和各年生物学业水平 测试 试题进行编码,并计算出 波特 一致性系数。

  • Meanwhile the verification platform supports to change the constraints of random test vector customize the automatic alignment mechanism on demands and add functional coverage points to maximize the flexibility and reusability of the platform .

    同时,验证平台支持随机 测试向量约束条件的更改、自动 比对机制按需求定制和功能覆盖点的添加,使验证平台的灵活性和可复用性达到最大化。

  • I decided to use concepts to represent pages because I knew that I would generate the more abstract test concepts from them and that I wanted to maintain this alignment .

    我决定使用概念来表示页面,因为我知道,我要通过它们产生更抽象的 测试概念,并且我想要保持这种 一致

  • Several key techniques were solved during its design fabrication test and alignment . Such laser collimator was developed through this process .

    在其设计、加工、 检验 上解决了诸多关键技术研制出了此规格的平行光管。