



  • There are sometimes very obvious telltale signs of counterfeiting & faulty spelling for example incorrect packaging or tablet size .

    有时候有非常明显的 造假迹象&例如拼写错误或者不正确的包装或药片尺寸。

  • The telltale scratches on the lock showed that it had been picked .

    留在锁上的 刮痕显示那锁曾经被撬开过。

  • How do you know when you are serving God from your heart ? The first telltale sign is enthusiasm .

    你怎么知道你乃是从心底 服事神?第一个指标就是 此事 的热情。

  • A biomarker protein is a telltale chemical fingerprint that can be detected in parts of the body such as blood or spinal fluid .

    生物标志物蛋白是 能够 体现 内在 信息的化学特征,它们在诸如血液和脊液的身体部分中被检测到。

  • Let 's consider some telltale signs of seemingly urgent items that frequently trip software development organizations .

    让我们考虑一些看起来紧急的事情所 具有 一些 混淆视听 特征,这些特征通常 使得软件开发组织 遇到 困难

  • The telltale clay on his shoes shows whence he came .

    他鞋上 露出 马脚的泥土漏了他从何处来的底细。

  • And scientists are now beginning to recognize these telltale signs .

    科学家们现在开始对这些 泄露 黑洞 秘密的征兆 有所认识。

  • Feeling overwhelmed depressed and tired are other telltale signs of the Unhappy Workaholic .

    此外,感到受压制、 消沉和疲劳,也表明一个人属于不快乐工作狂。

  • The telltale sign is that files prefixed with _atc are compiled .

    依据的标志是以“atc”为 前缀的文件已经编译过。

  • That trapped bits of the Martian atmosphere within them as a telltale of their origin .

    保留在内部的一点点火星大气揭示了它们的 来历

  • Researchers found the same telltale signature of drought in a deep-sea sediment core drilled from the Gulf of Oman .

    研究人员在从阿曼海湾的深海沉积物中钻取的岩芯中发现了同样 说明 问题的旱灾的 迹象

  • First they say that they 've found the telltale signs of a bubble in the growth rate of the Shanghai Composite stock-market index .

    首先,他们说他们已经在上海综合股价指数的增长速度中发现了泡沫 警示标志。

  • Eye contact and body language have long been considered telltale signs of cheating nervousness sexual attraction and lying .

    目光接触和肢体语言长期以来被认为是欺骗、紧张、性吸引和撒谎的 迹象显示。

  • Oxalate is a telltale sign of ethylene glycol poisoning .

    草酸盐是乙烯乙二醇中毒的 征兆

  • The facial expressions of depressed moms may have telltale effects on the mental health of their infants .

    情绪抑郁的母亲呈现的面部表情可能会对她们的婴儿的心智健康产生 预警作用。

  • For instance researchers could analyze a biological specimen to look for a telltale biomarker with a known mass .

    例如,研究人员可以通过一种已知的粒子质量来分析生物学样本从而找到 生物标记。

  • Not all parasite infections result in telltale symptoms and so this makes diagnosis difficult at times .

    并不是所有的寄生虫感染都能 轻易 察觉,所以有时诊断起来相当困难。

  • But telltale signs of greater prosperity have emerged .


  • I expect that a few telltale wisps of xenon could aid immensely in this search .

    我想,几缕 泄漏天机的氙气,将对我们的寻找大有帮助。

  • These would protect iPod users from the muggers who home in on victims sporting telltale white cables .

    这将防止ipod用户被人抢劫目前劫匪可以根据ipod那足以 泄密的运动 白色耳机线盯上受害者。

  • Only occasionally did the telltale redness around his eyes betray the fatigue he was suffering .

    只有从他 发红的眼圈上偶尔 看出他非常疲惫。

  • He found telltale signs of AIDS on her tongue and around her genitals .

    他在她的舌头上和生殖器周围找到爱滋病的 病征

  • It was clear from the telltale look in her eyes that she loved him .

    她爱他,她的 眼神清楚地说明了这一点。

  • The teacher do not notice that I am cheat until that rotten telltale tell her

    在那个该死的 告密 告诉老师之前,老师并没有注意到我作弊

  • She found lipstick all over his shirts & the telltale sign that Katherine had been around again .

    她发现他的衬衫上满是口红印,这 说明凯瑟琳又来 纠缠他了。

  • While researchers have known for some time that dogs can sniff out the telltale signs of other forms of cancer this is the first study that proves dogs can reliably smell this particular kind .

    虽然研究人员已经知道狗可以闻出其他种类癌症的 蛛丝马迹,而这却是首个证明狗能准确嗅闻出肺癌的研究。

  • There were small telltale signs which suggested that the commune was not just average .

    有些 迹象说明该公社并不具有普遍性。

  • That can be a sure telltale sign that he definitely likes you .

    这也可以表明他 肯定喜欢你。

  • They validated their findings by looking for telltale changes linked to HPV such as enlarged nucleus surrounded by a characteristic halo .

    他们通过寻找与HPV相关的“ 证据性”变化如增大核周围有特征性空晕而验证了他们的发现。

  • On other nights different telltale signs let you know that you 're looking at Virgo 's brightest star .

    在其他夜里,不同 信号 让你知道你正在看室女座最亮的星。