


  • Where does a bank teller work ? She works in a bank .

    银行 出纳员在哪里工作?她在银行里工作。

  • File security access control is the core of the bank automatic teller machine security .

    文件安全访问控制,是银行 自动柜员机安全的核心部分。

  • The teller can see how much money is in my checking and savings accounts .


  • Bank Teller : Sure you can just use your ATM card at that machine over there .

    银行 职员:当然,你只要使用你的ATM卡在那边的机器提款就行了。

  • The teller tried to remain aloof and calm .


  • The bank teller embezzled $ 10000 .

    银行 出纳员挪用了一万美元公款。

  • The bank teller helped me to open up a new savings account .

    银行 柜员协助我开立一个新的存款帐户。

  • The teller offered me advice on opening a new account .

    银行 出纳员为我提供开设新帐户的建议。

  • I had a dream last night about a fortune teller .

    我昨晚梦到一个 算命的。

  • Jokes establish an intimacy between the teller and the hearer .

    玩笑使 叙述者和听众之间建立了一种亲密关系。

  • 295 . The diligent teller told a tedious story about the intelligent satellite .

    295.勤奋的 出纳讲述了一个关于智能卫星的乏味故事。

  • No.i 'm not a fortune teller and I 'm not a psychic .

    我不是 算命的,也不会读心术。

  • He acquainted the third national bank with this fact and of course the information came to Cowperwood as teller .

    他把这件事告诉了第三国民银行,消息当然传到 出纳员 柯帕乌耳里

  • You really are my sunshine and a teller by my side .

    你是我心中的阳光和 指引

  • So I guess the fortune teller 's right .

    所以我想 先知是对的。

  • Teller : Certainly which account would you like me to transfer this to ?


  • My wife went to see a fortune teller .

    我老婆去见了个 算命的。

  • I went to the bank and the teller looked at me strangely .

    我去银行, 出纳员奇怪的盯着我看。

  • Bank teller : can you identify yourself ?

    银行 出纳:你能证明你自己吗?

  • The teller told me I need to sign these forms .


  • Teller : Also do not forget to keep a list of your check numbers in a safe place .


  • The bank teller has been fired because she stole .

    那位银行 出纳员因为偷窃而已经被开除了。

  • I want to apply for your bank teller work .

    我想应聘贵行的 柜员工作。

  • I filled out the application form and then the teller issued me a passbook .

    我先填了一张申请表,然后 出纳员给了我一本存折。

  • Note that there 's nothing in this use case to prohibit the teller from remembering who Philip is .

    请注意在这个用例中没有禁止 出纳员记住Philip是谁。

  • Teller is the person employed to receive and pay out money in a bank .


  • Why did you become a teller ? That 's such a boring job .

    为什么你做了一个 出纳员?这个工作多闷啊。

  • He could have taken them behind the teller windows .

    他可以带他们去 出纳窗口后面。

  • For example my boss is not a bank officer he is chief teller .

    譬如说,我的上司并不是银行的主管级人员,他是 出纳 主任