testing model

[电] 试验模型

  • A Performance Testing Model Based on Web Information System

    一种基于Web信息系统的性能 测试 模型

  • On the basis of analyzing the software testing model and software testing flow this paper summarizes the principle of software testing manage and applies it in the project .

    在分析软件 测试 模型和软件测试流程的基础上,总结测试管理原则,并将其应用于工程实践中。

  • Rapid Manufacture Method for Tidal Stream Turbine Blade Testing Model

    潮流能水轮机叶片 实验 原型快速制造方法研究

  • A Numerical Well Testing Model for A Fractured and Vuggy Reservoirs Containing Big Fractures and Vugs

    含有大尺度裂缝、溶洞的缝洞型油藏的数值 试井 模型

  • For this reason this paper carried out the applications of UML study in software testing and presented software testing model base on UML dynamic view .

    基于此,本文展开了在软件测试中应用UML的研究,提出了基于UML动态视图的 测试 模型

  • Research on manufacture method of testing model in design optimization of tidal stream turbine blades with different airfoil sections

    潮流能水轮机多种翼型系列叶片优化设计中的 实验 模型制作方法研究

  • Group testing model on four counterfeit coins

    一装置搜索四个坏硬币的分组 测试 过程

  • The experimental results show that the testing model is reasonable and can reflect the modes of attitude control system correctly .

    实验表明,所建立的 测试 系统 模型是合理的,能够正确反映姿态控制系统的工作模态。

  • The existing SAP testing model on the market today makes a very rudimentary use of automation in terms of

    如今,市场上的现有SAP 测试 模型初步地使用自动化,涉及以下方面

  • This paper considers typical case in the engineering and applies analogous theory to set up testing model performed in a flume .

    结合工程实践中的典型情况,应用相似比理论,建立起可在水槽中进行的 试验 模型

  • Two kinds of questionnaire and single testing model were used to conduct a random sampling survey .

    由椿游路线组成两类问卷,并采用单一 测试 模型抽样调查。

  • Study on Testing Model for Indigotin and Indirubin Contents of Compound Indigowoad Root Granule Using NIRS

    复方板蓝根颗粒中靛蓝和靛玉红含量的近红外光谱 检测 模型研究

  • Study of the incremental crosstalk stimulation testing model of high-speed interconnects

    高速互连渐进式串扰故障激励 测试 模型研究

  • A testing model has been made and used in the testing system .

    通过建立 测试先验 模型,使用测试系统对此 模型进行 计算

  • Research on Software Testing Model Based on Improvement Fountain Model

    基于改进喷泉 模型的软件 测试的研究

  • The Optim solutions support an iterative testing model that simplifies specification of error and boundary conditions and simplifies the comparison of test results to baseline data .

    Optim解决方案支持迭代 测试 模型,该 模型简化了错误和限制条件说明,以及测试结果与基线数据的对比。

  • The Research and Realization of System Testing Model for Embedded Software

    嵌入式软件系统 测试 模型的研究与实现

  • An object-oriented testing model was presented according to the characteristics of object-oriented software .

    文章针对面向对象软件具有的特征,给出一个面向对象的 测试 模型

  • Study on Cold Injury Yield Testing Model of Rice in Heilongjiang

    黑龙江省水稻冷害产量 试验 模型研究

  • And Putting forward black testing method generating test cases by changing the specification of tested software into testing model .

    并提出了一种基于被测软件规格说明转化生成 测试 模型,以此为基础生成测试用例的黑盒测试方法,用来提高测试人员的工作效率与质量。

  • This thesis mainly discussed the pressure parameters testing model of the system .

    本文主要讨论的是该系统中的脉动压力参数 测试 模块

  • A composite class testing model can provides data flow analyzing in state-based testing .

    提出了一种混合类 测试 模型,能在基于状态的测试中提供有效数据流分析。

  • Improved testing model of RTOS memory allocation performance

    改进的实时操作系统内存分配性能 测试 模型

  • The problems of a missile attitude control system encountered in frequency domain dynamic measurement and the time domain measurement results are analyzed . The testing model of attitude control system is established and the fast dynamic testing method in time domain is studied .

    分析了某型导弹姿态控制系统频域动态测试遇到的问题及时域测试结果,建立了姿态控制系统 测试 模型,并研究了其在时域内的快速动态测试方法。

  • This article analyzes the testing model and its function which is based - on Web system and studies the key realization technologies of testing system and it also gives the realization process in a real circumstance .

    本文分析了基于WEB系统的 考试 模型及功能,研究了考试系统实现的关键技术,并在具体系统中做了实现。

  • The article provides a common testing model for software development .

    文章给出了一个比较通用的软件 测试 流程 模型

  • Testing Model of Sugar Degree in Strawberry by Near Infrared Spectrum Based on Wavelet Denoising and iPLS

    基于小波滤噪和iPLS的草莓近红外光谱糖度 检测 模型

  • Based on the line testing model a highly precision and quickly method is approached in this paper .

    针对文本和表格图像,本文提出了一种基于线条 检测 模型的高精度、快速的歪斜图像检测方法。

  • The Design and Application of Software Performance Testing Model in Complicated Transaction Environment

    复杂业务环境下软件性能 测试 模型的设计与应用