Telex service


  • Subscribers to a telex service can exchange textual communications and data directly with one another .

    电传 服务的用户可以相互直接交换文本书信和资料。

  • Messages are often transmitted via telephone Telex interoffice delivery system . conventional Postal Service mail or overnight delivery service such Federal Express .

    信息经常通过电话、 电报办公室间的传递系统、常规的邮政 服务邮件、或者是像联邦快递一样的昼夜传递服务来传送。

  • Fully automatic international telex service

    全自动国际 用户 电报 业务

  • Correspondence Applications of INMARSAT-C Telex Service in Naval Vessels Long Voyage

    INMARSAT-C 电传 业务在舰艇远航通信中的应用

  • And they took up the ark of the covenant and went before the people . Excuse me is this the right counter for telex service ?

    于是他们抬起约柜,在百姓前头走。对不起,这里是 办理 用户 电报的柜台吗?

  • Excuse me is this the right counter for telex service ?

    对不起,这里是 办理 用户 电报的柜台吗?