testing maintainability

[计] 检验可维护性,检测可维护性

  • The universal simulation testing platform of the satellite communication network was implemented with XSAS and its adaptability and maintainability proved in application .

    利用该体系结构实现了卫星通信网通用仿真 测试平台,应用 表明系统具有良好的 定制 和自适应

  • The result of practical use shows that the testing equipment has characteristics of high automation quick testing speed high precision simple operation and good maintainability etc.

    经实际使用表明:该检查仪具有自动化高、 测试速度快、精度高、操作简单、 维护 好等特点。

  • Instead of using manual testing automated testing greatly reduce the workload of the software testers and improve the efficiency of the test while reusability and maintainability also meet the requirements for software testing and win a lot of valuable time .

    使用自动化 测试代替手工测试来进行回归测试,大大的减少了软件测试人员的工作量,提高了测试效率的同时在可重用性和 维护 上也满足要求,为软件测试赢得大量的宝贵时间。

  • This paper explains the basic concept of maintainability and three key stages-distributing estimating testing & evaluating of maintainability design in detail and presents the concrete technological measures of improving the maintainability of military electronic equipment .

    详述了维修性的基本概念以及 维修性设计的三个主要阶段:维修性分配、预计及维修性 试验与评定,提出了具体提高设备维修性的技术措施。

  • It base on but not limited to the exists research of software testing area attaching much weight to project benefits ensuring testing works robustness expandability and maintainability .

    基于但不拘泥于现有软件测试领域的研究成果,重视工程效益,保证了 测试工作的健壮性、可扩展性、 维护

  • Make a research about the testing of the operation of performance assessment information system in Zhongshan Detention house which includes the analysis of its functionality reliability interoperability maintainability and so on . 4 .

    详细研究了中山市看守所民警绩效考核信息系统的 运行 测试,主要包括功能性测试、可靠性 测试、易用 测试维护测试等。

  • After testing this system has good stability and maintainability and thus shows great engineering practical value .

    经过 测试,该系统具有良好的稳定性和 维护 ,具有较大的工程实用价值。

  • How much of our testing has been focused on capability rather than other types of quality criteria ( performance security scalability testability maintainability and so on )?

    我们有多少 测试是专注于性能,而不是其他类型的质量标准(性能、安全性、可伸缩性、可测试性、 维护 ,等等)?

  • The ways of traditional testing system mainly are manual and semi-auto but the maintainability and scalability of the system are poor with low efficiency .

    传统的 测试系统主要以手动和半自动方式为主,系统的 维护 、扩展性差;生产效率低; 测试工艺、流程、标准不统一; 测试数据管理混乱。

  • Compared with other primary GUI testing approaches the constructed GUI Ontology which provides a formal GUI model may improve the reusability and maintainability of GUI testing .

    相比主要的GUI 测试方法,建立的通用GUI本体为GUI 测试提供了形式化的GUI模型,能够提高GUI测试的重用性和 维护

  • Subsequent testing it also proves that the system to meet the functional needs it is also strong and has high reliability and maintainability characteristics .

    随后的 测试,也证明了该系统在满足功能性需求的同时,还具有 维护 强和可靠性高的特点。