



  • Look you want me to testify in court .

    瞧,你想让我上庭 作证

  • Her actions testify to her good character .

    她的行为 证明了她的人品是好的。

  • I can testify to this man 's veracity and good character .

    我可以 作证,此人诚实可靠,品德良好。

  • Jack you can testify at his hearing .


  • Recent excavations testify to the presence of cultivated inhabitants on the hill during the Arthurian period .

    最近几次发掘 证实了亚瑟王时期这座山上有农耕人口居住过。

  • I have a right to testify .

    我有 的权利。

  • Numerical examples testify the feasibility and reliability of the algorithm .

    数值 测试结果 验证了算法的可行性和可靠性。

  • I can testify to the credentials of the clientele .

    我可以 证明委托人的资质。

  • Several eyewitnesses testified that they saw the officers hit Miller in the face

    几位目击 证人 证明他们看见那几个警官打了米勒的脸。

  • What you 're asking me to do is testify against my parents .

    你叫我做的是对我父母 不利 证明

  • I can testify to his honesty .

    我可以为他的诚实 作证

  • I do not want to have to testify against any of you in a court of law .

    我不想到时要上法庭去为你们中任何一个 作证

  • He hopes to have his 12-year prison term reduced by testifying against his former colleagues .

    他希望通过 出庭 检举从前的同事缩短自己12年的刑期。

  • I-i 'm a genius and I can testify for a piece of immunity .

    我-我是天才,我可以 证明我是无辜的。

  • The two youths today declined to testify because they said they feared for their safety .

    这两个年轻人今天拒绝 作证,称他们是出于对自身安全的担心。

  • We 've asked the judge to compel the sponsor to testify .

    我们请求了法官让他的保证人 作证

  • Thank you for this opportunity to testify before you this morning .

    感谢今天上午给我这个机会在你们面前来 作证

  • They testify to the extraordinary potency of his personality

    这些 事情 证明了他非凡的人格魅力。

  • To testify but you can choose to .

    但你可以选择 出庭

  • In the next three or four days eleven witnesses will be called to testify .

    接下来的三四天里,将传唤11名证人 出庭 作证

  • She refused to testify unless the murder charge against her was dropped .

    除非撤销对她的谋杀指控,否则她拒绝 作证

  • I testify that he is innocent .


  • Fiers promised to testify fully and truthfully

    菲耶尔承诺所 作证词将毫无保留且句句属实。

  • All of these experiences testify to the reality of our god !

    所有的这些经历 证明了我们的上帝是一位真实的上帝!

  • I will testify at the sentencing .

    我会在审判时 作证

  • Witnesses are unwilling to testify through fear of reprisals .

    由于害怕报复,目击者不愿 作证

  • Using a simple example we testify the feasibility of this method .

    并结合一个简单的例子, 验证了方法的可行性。

  • Do you think if there 's a trial I might have to testify in court ?

    你认为我是否有个到法庭 作证 旅行

  • Lastly a test is given to testify the correctness of the design .

    最后,通过测试 验证了系统设计的正确性。